Jay Jay The Jet Plane

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After Niall left the call Eric gave me a disappointed look "You just HAD to call him a paintbrush didnt you Y/N?!" he said in a annoyed tone "Look he's the reason i dont like him he had a choice to post the video, DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY SUBS I LOST BECAUSE OF HIM?!" i practically yelled Eric sighed "I know he was a dick to you but thats why im flying him down here, so you guys can make up and not be a nuisance to everyone around you." I rolled my eyes and shut the refrigerator "Fine, anyway im going home im tired asf" I walk out of his apartment and into mine and collapse onto my bed and s l e e p.

_----_----__----___-----_-Time skip a week bc im lazy _----_-----___---__

I wake up to my blaring alarm i shut it off with a groan i sit up and stretch hearing all my bones pop. I pick up my phone "26 missed calls from SwAggER the bUm" "What the hell" i thought as i called him back "Jesus Christ Y/N do you not know how to pick of the phone" he complained "I was asleep" i argued "At 2 in the afternoon?!" "yes sir" "Well anyway you wanna go get lunch or something?" "Yeah sure lemme get dressed and-" he cut me off "Great! See ya!" he hung up "Damn he sure is excited to get food" 

-------ANotHeR tiMe S K i p---------

Eric dragged me to his car with a giddy smile "Why are you so happy today Eric geez" he just responded with a shrugged and started to car after about 30 minutes i piped up "Where are we even going? we passed literally all the food places" "We have to stop at the airport first" he said with a smirk "Who are you picking u-" I stopped when the realization hit me. He just laughed "Yep where here to pick up your bestie" he said when we stopped "NO!" i protested "Well if your gonna be a butt about it you can stay here" he shook his head 

Pyro's Pov

I tapped my foot on the ground looking around for Eric I saw him walk through the door with a smile plastered on his face "Hey dude took you long enough" i joked "Yeah sorry about that" he said while scratching the back of his neck. We walked out to the parking lot to his car i put my stuff in his trunk then i started to walk over to the passenger seat but Eric stopped me "Back seat bro" i gave a puzzled look but obliged anyway. When i got into the car i noticed a girl with that familer H/c hair "Heya Paintbrush" she said with her voice full of attitude Then it occured to me that it was "Y/n...."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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