Chapter 1

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Working as a Character on a Kids show was Fun, but god you Hated It sometimes. Yeah, It was Fun to Run Around on a Stage with Four Animatronic Animals Chasing you in a Playful Manner, but it can get Old Sometimes. Sure, you loved the Animatronic Animals and treated them like you treated the Humans that helped with the Show, but you didn't like doing almost the same thing Over and Over again, so you where always ecstatic when you Finally got to go home.

You where now in your Pajamas, sleeping on your Aunt's Couch. You had decided to stay at her House for a while until you found another Apartment, since you had gotten Kicked out of your other one because, for some reason, people where complaining about you. Well.. you didn't Blame them, Sometimes you would stay out late with your Best Friend since Highschool, and Current Co-worker for the Kids Show, Steven. You two usually went Bar-hopping and get utterly Fucked Up, leaving you to get a Taxi on most nights, and quite possibly wreck Havoc in your old Apartment Building during every Hour of the night.

You stirred in your sleep and opened one eye. It was about... You wanted to say One or Two in the Morning, and a Rerun of your Show was currently playing on the TV.

" Fleegle! Mail Time!" You heard yourself say to the Animatronic Dog. Fleegle walked over and bent over, pulling the Mailbox Lid down. A Ton of Envelopes flew out of the small Metal Box, prompting the Beagle Animatronic to stumble back, letting a Silly sound emit from somewhere. You snickered a little, you loved doing the Mail Time Skits, you've loved them since you where a little Girl. You turned on your back and looked up, being met Face-to-Face with Drooper.

Screaming, you sat up, accidentally Hitting your Forehead against Droopers chin. " AH!" A Feminine, and quite Small, voice said. You rubbed your forehead and turned around, watching the Smaller version of Drooper lift his head up. Of course, it wasn't actually Drooper, it was your little Cousin, Glenda, in her Drooper Onesie.

" Y/n! You hit me!" She complained, continuing to Rub her Chin. You groaned and turned around all the way to face Glenda. " Glenda, What are you doing up? It's three in the Morning.." You asked the Ginger, rubbing your eyes. " You said that you'd take me and Glen to the Live Taping of your Show today, so I woke up early to remind you!" You groaned once again and stood up off of the Couch. " Glenda, Sweetheart, I would've remembered, plus, we don't have to get to the Studio until Ten O'clock. Now, let's get you back to Bed." You grabbed the Ginger girls Hand, er, Paw, since the Drooper Onesie had little Paws on it instead of just leaving an empty place for where the Hands and Feet where supposed to go.

You sleepily led her back to the Room she shared with her Twin Brother, Glen. You opened the door all the way, since it was already open Ajar, and you led Glenda in. Glenda's hand slipped out of your and she Climbed up the Ladder to the Top Bunk, since her and Glen shared a Bunk Bed. As Glenda got in her Bed, she Got on her Knees and leaned over, probably to get close to you. " Promise me You'll wake us up in time?" " Glenda, I promise. Now get some sleep or you'll fall asleep halfway through the Taping." Glenda Pulled the Hood/Face of her Drooper Onesie back down over her head and fell back in her Bed. You snickered at that. For a Nine-year old, Glenda, and Glen, where very Mature for their Age. Which is why it shocked you when you found out that they still watched The Banana Splits.
" Goodnight." " Night." Glenda turned over, pulling her blanket over her Shoulders. You walked out the Room and Closed the Door, then you made your way to the Kitchen.

You opened the Refrigerator and grabbed one of your Uncle's Whisky Bottles. You set it in the Counter and looked in the Cupboard, grabbing a shot glass with a Skull on it. You filled the Shot Glass up with the Whiskey. Then you closed the Whiskey back and set it back in the Refrigerator. You walked over to your Glass and Downed the Whole thing, slamming it down on the Counter, like you usually did at Bars.

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