Chapter 5

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Lmfao, decided to update for a third time today because i have nothing better to do

" I can't believe this Shit." " Stevie, for the love of God, Calm the fuck down-" Stevie turned around, a Bottle of Beer in his Hands. " Don't You tell Me to calm down!" " Steven, Just because someone slipped up One Time-" " One Time?! ONE TIME?! Y/n, They always forget to add me In! I can't Fuckin' wait to get out of here so I won't have to deal with this Shit any more." You groaned and walked past him, Purposely Bumping Shoulders with him while you Undid your bowtie. You walked into the Dressing Room and threw your Bowtie at the Couch, pulling the Red Tuxedo Vest off as well.

" God you're so fucking Hot." Stevie said, staring at you. It didn't help that the Suspenders on the Pants made your Boobs look Bigger, since the two Straps where on either side of your Chest. " Stop Staring.. I gotta go get my Cousins, Make yourself look presentable and try to Sober up because you're Going out there too to take Pictures with the Little Children." You told Stevie. He scoffed at you and walked past you, drinking out of the Beer Bottle. " Nobody wants a Picture with me." You stared at him for a Minute before picking up your phone and Opening the Camera, putting it on the Front-Facing Camera. You snuck up behind Stevie and Jumped on him, setting an arm around his Shoulder, Hitting the Red Button on your phone to take a Picture.

The Picture of You and Stevie was Taken, and you pulled it up. Stevie's face in the Picture held all sorts of Confusion, but you didn't care. You showed him the Picture and he took the Phone from you to look it over. " Psh, Let's take a better one." He said, deleting the Previous Picture and setting the Beer Bottle down. You set your Arm around his Shoulder once again, him doing the same to you, and you both smiled at the Camera. Stevie snapped the Picture, looked at it, and tossed your phone over to you. " That Didn't work, by the way." You groaned. " Damn it. You're still coming out though, so sober up while I'm gone." You told him, Shoving your phone into your pocket. " Okay, Okay.. Get me a Cup of water while you're out." " I will." You smiled back at him and left the Room.

You ran down the Hall and walked around the main Stage, Seeing Glen and Glenda waiting with Paige and another Family. " Hey Guys!" " Y/n!" Glenda exclaimed throwing her hands in the Air. You laughed and walked closer. " Wow! You're Y/n!" The Little boy from the other family said, completely blown away by your Presence. " Indeed I am." " My name's Harley, This is Zoey." The little Girl beside him lifted her hand up. " Hi." " It's nice to meet you Harley and Zoey. Did you guys enjoy the show?"

~With Stevie~

Stevie leaned against the Doorway, his Vest and his Bowtie undone. He took another swing of his Beer, waiting for you to get back. Despite you being gone for about.. Three Minutes or something, he was more of a Wreck than before. As he took another swing of his Beer he heard Mechanical Parts Clanking and different Circuits Whirring together. The Splits walked into his view and he grinned, getting up off the Door Frame. " Oh look, it's my Cast-Mates!" He exclaimed, making the Four Animatronics stop and turn to face Him. " I was just... Drinking a Toast to our.. Cancelation." Stevie walked closer to the Animals, specifically Drooper. " The Shows done because the Network thinks you Suck." A grin made its way onto the Brunettes Face as he shook his head at the Four Splits. " You'll never perform infront of an Audience... Ever again." He let his smile fade as he looked at the Splits, hopefully for the Last time. " Cheers to you." Stevie held up his Beer, wobbling a Bit. " I've hated Every Minute of working with you Assholes." With that, Stevie put the bottle to his lips and turned it upside down, letting the alcohol go down his Throat. He walked away from the Splits, Chuckling to himself, and walked/Stumbled into the Dressing Room, slamming the Door Afterwards.

He walked into the Back room with the Vanity and drank more of his Alcoholic Beverage, picking up one of your Make-up Brushes and twirling it around, some Powder stuff floating down from it when he Thunked it with his Pointer finger. He heard the Door open and Close and he grew Confused. Was that you? If it was you, Why didn't you announce your Presence? You always knocked on the door, so why didn't you this time?
He walked out of the Room with his Beer Bottle, hoping to see you with a Cup of Water in your hand, but nope. You weren't there. Instead, Drooper was there. " You've got to be Kidding me!" Drooper just stood there. Stevie was still drunk, so no fear was setting in, only Cockiness. " Karl's stupid update didn't work.. Big surprise." He said Sarcastically. He walked Closer to the Lion Animatronic, leaning in closer to it. " Get the Hell outta here. Y/n's not in here, so why the hell are You in here?!" He asked it, not actually expecting a response. Sometimes the Splits would walk into the Room to see you, because you at least treated them with Respect. One time, Stevie even walked in on You and Bingo playing Go Fish at the Coffee table. You where on the floor, and Bingo was sitting on the couch. That was a very strange day.

Stevie took another Swing from beer, leaned in Closer to the Lion, and Spat the Alcohol out on his Nose and Sunglasses. " Goddamned Robots." Stevie whispered Harshly at Drooper, walking away while Drinking from his Bottle once more, wanting you to hurry the fuck up with the Water so the Lion fucker would Leave. Instead of walking into the Room with the Vanity, he walked over to the Mirror in the main room. He closed his eyes to finish up the Rest of his Beer, while Drooper Grabbed the Plastic Lollipop off a Shelf.

Stevie set his Beer down and looked in the Mirror, seeing Drooper Standing there. In an Adrenaline fueled, Drunk, and Confused Rush, Stevie turned around. Drooper Grabbed a Fistful of Stevie's brown hair and yanked his head back. Drooper held up the Lollipop and, in a quick motion that resulted in loud Mechanical Parts whirring, shoved the Lollipop down Stevie's Throat. Stevie Choked for a Moment until Drooper shoved the Lollipop in Further, making it go deeper into Stevie's Throat. Stevie started to Spurt out Blood from his mouth. More Red Liquid started to come out of Stevie's Mouth, dripping off of his chin and onto his Golden Suit. Drooper moved the Lollipop around by the Handle, gross Crunching and Squelching sounds coming from Stevie. Drooper pulled the Lollipop out a bit before Slamming it back down into the Brunettes Throat, a loud Snap or Crunch emitting from it. After a few Seconds, Stevie's Eyes Closed, and you could now, very clearly, see the Head of the Lollipop stretching out the Skin of Stevie's Throat.

Drooper heard Footsteps coming close to the Door and a Knock on it. Picking Stevie up, Drooper Flung his Body onto the Couch. The body landing in a Position that somehow made it look like the Brunette was simply Passed out, his face and Throat obscured. Drooper walked over to the door and Opened it, Finding you standing at the other side of it. You jumped back once you realized that Drooper was there, but you soon grinned up at him. " Hey Droop! There you are, We've been looking for you! Uh.. why're you in the Dressing Room?" You asked the Lion, reaching a hand up to pet the Side of his Mouth, failing to notice that his nose looked wet.

" Stevie let me in." " Oh! Can I come in as well? Stevie said that he'd come out to meet my Cousin's if I went to get him some water." Drooper didn't really want to hurt you, since you where the Only one Besides Karl who actually treated him and the others Like they're supposed to be, so his Robot Brain came up with a Lie so you wouldn't find out that he'd hurt Stevie. " Stevie's asleep on the Couch." " Really? Damn it. Can you put this on the Coffee Table for me then? It's for Stevie." You held up the Cup of water for the Lion to take. Drooper took the Cup and walked over to the Coffee Table, doing that Ridiculous walk that he always did that made it look his he was in a Marching Band. You looked Inside and, sure enough, Stevie was on the Couch. You lowered your eyes at him, glaring at his sleeping Figure, failing to realize that he Wasn't Breathing, before Drooper came back. " Okay, let's leave Stevie here I guess. C'mon, Droop."

You grabbed onto Droppers Wrist and gently tugged him along, Blissfully unaware of what just happened in that Room.

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