Chapter 9

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I Don't think I'll be able to find FNAF Songs for each part, So far I only have One song and that's for the Second-To-Last Chapter, so ye-
I'm skipping over the part where Jonathan gets burned, so yah

You and Paige made it back to where everyone started. You where both Silent for the Entire walk back, and this was no Different. Austin and his Mom, Beth, came from Around the Bleachers. You where Confused and stopped walking. " Where is Everybody?" Austin asked, although you knew it was Directed to Paige. " They where all here.." Paige replied. " They're not with you?" Beth asked. " They're probably just exploring the rest of the sets." You jumped into the Conversation, but you only said that to ease the Growing anxiety in your Stomach about what could've happened to Glen and Glenda. You knew nothing Bad would happen, But there was still some Unknown Force telling you that you should Worry about this whole Situation.

" Harley? Zoe?" Beth called out for the Children, walking away a little. " Mom, uh, W-we'll find them, It's fine." Best turned around to look at Austin. " You don't know that." Then she went back to Calling out for the Kids. " jesus.." " I promise, they're okay." Paige Told to Austin. You started walking around to look for your Cousin's. They should be fine, Glenda carries around her Dad's old Knife and Glen knows how to Break the Glass of an Emergency Case to grab the Axe out of it, not that he would hurt Anyone. Poor kid is scared to even pick up a Plastic Knife without worrying that He'll hurt somebody, let alone hold an Axe.

You decided to do the only thing that seemed Perfect at this time, and that was to Yell out their Names. " GLEN?! GLENDA?!?" You waited for a Response until something set a Hand on your Shoulder. You turned around and saw that it was Austin. " S-sorry, Didn't mean to scare you." " No no, it's Fine. Don't worry about it." You told him. He shoved his hands into the Pockets of his Pants. " Uh, Paige went out to look for them, or get the Producer, or something... I don't know." Jesus Christ this guy was cute. " Okay. Thanks for telling me." Austin said nothing else and walked over to where his Mom was at. You decided to not scream anymore, so you took out your Phone and turned it's Flashlight on. You shone your Light around the room for a Minute before getting on your Hands and Knees and looking under the Bleachers. They weren't there so you tried somewhere else.
After a few Minutes of Looking under stuff, you heard the large Double Doors open and you scrambled up. You ran over and walked alongside Beth and saw that Paige had went and got Rebecca.

" Did you find them?" " Paige brought me up to Speed on the while Situation and I Assure you Everything is Under Control." Rebecca answered Beth's question. Just then, as if this was a Horror Movie or any other Movie, Jonathan walked through the Door that was on he main set. His shirt had some Blood on it, his face was Burnt and Bubbling. Surprisingly enough, His Beard, Mustache, and eyebrows where in good Shape. He soon collapsed and everyone, Excluding Paige, Ran over to help him. " Sir, Can you hear me?!" Rebecca asked the Man, who was currently coughing a Lung out. " What happened?!" You asked him. " They... Attacked me!" Jonathan said. " Who did?" Beth asked him. " Banana... Splits." You froze.

They did this? How? They just had an Update, they should be fine! Unless... The update didn't work.... That would explain the Blood on Droppers nose. Your breath hitched when you remembered that Glen and Glenda where still in here, they could get killed! You scrambled up, making everyone look at you with confused looks on their faces. " Y/n, where are you going?!" Rebecca asked you. You turned around. " Glen and Glenda are still in here somewhere! I need to find them!" You said before you Took off, screaming their Names at the Top of your Lungs. You where responsible for what happened to them Today, what would your Aunt do if she found out that you Lost them and they ended up Dead?! " GLEN!!! GLENDA!!!!!" You screamed, but after that you fell into a Coughing fit. Your Throat was Burning.

You felt someone touch your shoulder and you found that it was Beth. " You're name is Y/n, Right?" You nodded. " Y-yeah." You said. You had screamed until your Throat was Raw, and it wasn't a Pleasant Feeling. " Okay. C'mon, Y/n, we need to find them." You nodded and let Beth pull you off to the Door that led to the Rest of the Sets, where she continued to yell out for Harley and Zoey while Austin was telling her that she just needs to Calm down. You looked around Snorky's Circus to see if any of the Kids where Hiding. " Come on. Come on, hurry." You heard Beth say. You turned around from the Circus and saw Beth and Austin going into Bingo's Jungle.

You followed after them, knowing how much of a Maze that set was. You walked past Austin and get behind Beth, who was still calling out to Harley and Zoey. The three of you walked through the Realistic Plants before you all heard Drumming. " What's that Noise?" " Bingo." You and Austin said at the Same time, answering Beths Question

" WHA-"

You jumped and turned around, noticing that Austin wasn't there anymore. " Austin?" You called out, Beth looking behind her as well and got sent into a Panic. " AUSTIN!?" She yelled out, looking around Frantically. You both looked around, Beth looked around more Frantically than you, shouting Austin's name at the top of her lungs.

" Mom!"

Came Austin's voice from above you and Beth. You both looked up and saw Austin being Smothered by Bingo. Although it kinda looked like an Awkward Hug. " Get out of here! Run!" He yelled again. Beth stared at him for a Moment before Booking it. You tried to follow the Direction that she went in, but Bingo's Jungle just HAD to be such as Fucking Maze. You just ran in a Random Direction, but you ended up falling off of the Set since you had Tripped over one of the Fake Flamingos some how.
You lifted yourself up and rubbed your head. You heard someone Sniffling and you looked up, Instantly Regretting it.

It was the Couple from before. The man was inside of Fleegles Magician Box, cut in half, with an Ocean of Blood on the Floor of the Fleegles Magic Shop stage, his intestines and a Saw, which you thought was a Prop, on the Ground. The Woman was holding the Man's hand, Mascara Lines coming from her eyes to her Cheeks. Her once Pretty, White Fur Coat, was now Stained Red. So was her Top and her Skirt. Her Hands also had blood on them.
She must've heard you because she lifted her head up and looked at you. You stood up all the way and walked over to the stage, looking at what had happened.

" He asked me to marry him.." She told you with a Sad Smile on her Face before turning her head back to face his hand, resting her head on his arm. You shook your head. " I'm... So sorry.... I- We're looking for down Kids. My Cousins, Her Son, and her son's friend.. have you seen them?" You asked her, Hearing Beth and Austin walk up from behind you. You heard Beth mutter an 'Oh my god'. The Woman Sniffled again. " Fleegle took them." " What? Wh-where-.. Where did they go?" That was a stupid Question to ask her, but you didn't care. The Woman shrugged and went back to her Boyfriend--- Fiancé's arm.

You stared at her Mascara-stained face for a Minute before getting up on the set. You walked over and stood infront of her before crouching down Infront of her. " Look.." " poppy." She whispered, clutching onto her Fiancé hand. " Poppy, it isn't safe to be sitting here out in the Open like this. You have to come with us, Okay?" Poppy sniffled again and you saw more Tears fall put of her eyes. " No! I won't leave Thadd!" You looked at the Corpse and back at her, Leaning over a little To place a Hand on her shoulder. " Thadd would Never let anything Bad happen to you, Would he?" Poppy sniffled and shook her head. " Exactly. You have to come with us Right now, or something Bad will happen to you." Poppy looked at you with the Biggest Puppy-dog Eyes you've ever seen. She Started Sobbing again, resting her face into Thadds Arm. Then she Stood up, You stood up along with her. Then she threw herself into your Chest, Clutching onto Your Suspenders, some blood from her hands getting onto your Shirt. You didn't know what to do, so you just hugged her until she Finally calmed down. When she pulled herself away from you, you took out the Tissue Packet from Earlier and took one Tissue out. You proceeded to clean the Mascara Lines off her face before taking her hand and leading her down the stairs, throwing the used Tissue somewhere and shoving the Packet back into your Pocket. As you and Poppy walked down the Stairs, Poppy grabbed onto your arm with her other hand, resting her Head on the Ball of your Shoulder, since she was a bit shorter than you.

God, you hoped that Glen, Glenda, Harley, and Zoey where okay...

I might upload again today, idk.

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