It's gunna be okay

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In case you forgot what happened (since it was 2 chapters ago) here's how it ended before:
As the girls piled into the changing rooms Keira approached Lucy, and Leah approached Jordan at opposite ends of the changing room. As if they were working off the same brain wave, the pair of them uttered those words... those dreaded words

"We need to talk..."


"Leah there's nothing to talk about." Jordan answered the girl standing in front of her.
"Jordan please I-"
"No I don't wanna hear it." With that Jordan turned her back and continued to change.

To everyone around her she was fine but really inside she was screaming. She wanted to scream at Leah, make her understand but she managed to stay composed for now...

Leah could see Jordan wasn't going to hear her out, just like she wouldn't the night before. She could tell that Jordan wasn't okay and this was eating her up inside. Jordan needed to know what happened between her and Keira but she wouldn't listen. Leah knew that she had to get through to Jordan somehow... She left Jordan alone for now but that was only because she could feel her own emotions flooding in.

Jordan finished getting changed and hastily left the changing room, not wanting to be in that situation with Leah again any time soon. She knew she just needed some time to get her head around what she saw and how she felt. "Do I love her?" Jordan thought to herself "Do I even like like her? I know I-"
"Hey Jorrrrd." Beth put her elbow on Jordan's shoulder as if using her as an arm rest and pulled her out of her trance.

Jordan shook her head a little and looked around as she realised where she was - she always seemed to forget everything else when Leah was on her mind.

"Didn't think you could get away from me that easy did ya?" Beth laughed and playfully punched Jordan's arm. "Do you wanna go grab something to eat? I'm starving after that training."
"Uh yeah sure." Jordan replied still not fully focusing.
"Okay cool. Now?" Beth pointed to a bench nearby. "If you wait there I'll run our bags back to the room?"
"Oh thanks Beth... I'll look on Google maps for the nearest places then." With that Beth sprinted off to her room. Jordan was greatful for this rest because, although she was used to working her hardest in every training session, she had barely slept a wink that night and it was starting to effect her. She was also greatful for Beth - she always knew how to cheer her up and she needed that right now.


"For god's sake Leah pick up!" Beth shouted at her phone after trying the call Leah for the 3rd time with no answer. Beth was standing in her room having just put hers and Jordan's bags down by the door. She tried calling Leah again. Just as she was about the give up and start walking back, she heard the girl on the other end.
"FINALLY! Are you still in the changing room?!"
"Uh... Yeah why what's wrong?" Leah had just picked up her bag ready to leave.
"Don't think I didn't see that between you and Jordan earlier."
"Leah I don't know what's going on but you two need to talk. Now."
"I tried I-"
"Be at that bench we sat on last week in 5 minutes. Jordan will be there. Whatever's going on needs to stop it's destroying both of you."
"O-okay... thank you Beth." Those were the only words able to escape Leah's mouth as she felt a lump form in her throat. Had Beth spoken to her? Did Jordan really feel that way about... about the situation, about her?

The phone had been hung up at some point while Leah was lost in maze of thoughts. Beth had started walking to the bench that Jordan was on, not wanting to leave her alone for too long but also to make sure that she would still be there.

"Take your time!" Jordan shouted to Beth as she finally came back into view.
"I will don't worry!" Beth grinned back, slowing her walk right down. When she eventually reached the bench, she sat next to Jordan to look at her phone.
"Been there, never again." Jordan looked at Beth questioningly. "Don't ask."

Beth noticed Leah approaching as she looked over Jordan's shoulders, but it was evident that Jordan was too busy on her phone trying to find somewhere to eat to notice. Leah was just a few metres away now, so Beth took her opportunity to get out of there: "OMG A DOG!" She shouted running off towards a puppy quite far into the distance. This obviously made Jordan look up to see what Beth was doing, although she should be used to this by now. She saw a figure standing to her right.


Jordan immediately stood up and turned around, ready to walk away. Leah couldn't let that happen, she caught hold of Jordan's hand and pulled her back without thinking or caring about everyone else that was around. Jordan looked at Leah's hand in hers and almost forgot the whole situation, slightly in shock, not wanting her to let go.

"Jordan please... let me explain at least."

Jordan's gaze now lifted from Leah's hand to her baby blue eyes and began to get lost in them...

"Jordan I didn't know that was Keira I swear I-" Leah sighed not knowing what to say. "I... I was dreaming about... something."
"About what?" Jordan wanted to know everything now that Leah had started talking. "And why was Keira in your bed anyway?!"
"I don't know... She wasn't when I went to sleep and then-"
"So she just randomly got in your bed while you were sleeping?"
"I guess. I haven't spoken to her about anything... I don't know what happened. But Jord..." Jordan could see Leah was avoiding telling her something. "It was... well..."
"It was what Leah?" Jordan was becoming annoyed now - Leah was supposed to be finally talking to her yet she was not telling her the full story, but Jordan couldn't stay annoyed long - as soon as their eyes met again Jordan was filled with emotion that she couldn't yet understand.
"It was you..." Leah broke their gaze and slightly lowered her head. "I was dreaming about you."
"How does any of this explain why me and Lucy walked in on you and Keira kissing?!"
"Keep your voice down would you?!" Leah knew she had to tell her everything... No more lies, no more secrets. "Jordan I woke up from that dream and I thought you were there. I thought you were kissing me and I was kissing you. I wanted it to be you." The pair were still subconsciously holding hands from when Jordan was originally pulled back. Jordan's grip tightened and she, once again, looked into Leah's eyes, this time searching for answers.
"I don't understand. I-" Jordan was lost for words now. Her heart was beating faster than it ever did in training and she grabbed Leah's other hand.
"Jordan I know this probably isn't the best time but... I really like you and I don't want to lose you over this... can we please forget it - it meant nothing and-"
"Leah calm down." Jordan no longer had any anger or annoyance inside her as she saw the younger girl, in front of her, getting so worked up.
"Jordan it's just such a mess... I need you." Jordan put one of her hands on Leah's waist whilst leaving the other hand, that was originally grabbed, in Leah's hand. Jordan edged Leah towards her, ever so slightly, slowly closing the gap without either of them noticing. The two of them seemed to completely forget that they were in plain sight of everyone else that was around.

Tears were starting to form in Leah's eyes as she finally opened up to Jordan and everything just came flooding out.
"Hey Leah it's okay... it's gunna be okay." Jordan was still trying to find some words. "I... I didn't know you-" Jordan gave up trying to form a sentence. Her head was a mess and seeing Leah upset hurt her, but Leah liked her? She had no idea this whole time and had to hide how she felt... and Leah was doing the exact same thing?

Leah dropped her head so she was staring at the ground, like she was almost ashamed of what she said. Jordan couldn't let her feel like this. She gently pulled her chin up so she could look into her eyes again, she wiped away the tears that streaked her cheek, then, without thinking or caring about anything else or who was around, Jordan closed the gap...

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