Just calm down

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Lucy instantly got up and followed Keira out of the coffee shop. "Keira are you seriously doing this again? I promised you-"
Keira stopped in her tracks and whipped around to face Lucy. "I heard her, Lucy." Keira's voice was now full of hate.
"I'm done Lucy." Keira continued speed walking on. Lucy gave up trying to follow her as her body turned to stone and she just wanted the ground to swallow her up. She hated how it had become for them over one stupid kiss - and just after they had just gotten over everything else too...


Lucy made her way back towards to the hotel and by now the hurt was turning to anger. What was Gemma playing at?! Lucy walked into the lounge area with clenched fists to find Alex sat at a table facing her with someone sat opposite.
"Alex, has Keira come back yet?" Lucy made her way to the table.
"I haven't seen h-" Lucy noticed who the other person was. Gemma.
"What the hell did you say to Keira?!" Lucy pulled Gemma's shoulder around so she would face her.
"What I didn't-"
"Lucy calm down..." Alex stood up... just in case.
"What did you say to her?" Lucy said slowly through gritted teeth, shaking.
"I haven't seen Keira I-"
"I told you all that in confidence! and then you go and use it against me?!"
"Lucy what are you talking about?"
"Why does Keira think I've been sleeping with you?!"
"What?!" Gemma was very confused and a little scared of how angry Lucy was. Lucy still had hold of Gemma's jacket by her shoulder from when she spun her around.


Jordan and Leah walked into the hotel, arm in arm, laughing at each other, not caring about the world at the moment, things were finally starting to look up for them.

They walked into the lounge area and could instantly sense some tension. The pair looked towards the table where the other 3 girls were. Jordan knew Lucy well and knew that she was more than angry. She ran over to her best friend and put a hand on her back.
"Luce what's happened?" Jordan gently pulled Lucy away from Gemma, getting in between the two of them.
Lucy slumped down on a spare chair that was next to her, facing the table. Jordan's hand was still on her back. Jordan looked to Alex and Gemma for some kind of explanation as Leah went and stood next to her.
"What's happened?" Jordan repeated.
Lucy seemed to have calmed down a little now, trying to figure out if Gemma was playing dumb or really was as clueless as herself.
"Lucy I haven't said anything to Keira... and certainly nothing about you."
Lucy could tell Gemma meant it. Jordan could relax a little now as Lucy's body become less tense. Jordan and Leah sat on the edge of the table behind Lucy's chair.
"I'm gunna take my bag up to the room Jord, I'll be back in a bit." Leah put her hand on Jordan's leg as she got off the table. Jordan looked from Leah's hand to her eyes and nodded. Leah made her way upstairs towards her and Keira's room.
Lucy put her arms on the table in front of her, rested her chin on them and sighed. "Then why would she think that?" Lucy felt helpless.


Keira turned away from the hotel and started to jog around, not really knowing where she was going, just trying to clear her head. She ran a couple of miles before going back to the hotel. She took a deep breathe at the entrance and planned to go straight up to her room - she didn't want to speak to anyone.

She walked in but abruptly stopped again. "Seriously?!" In Keira's mind, all she saw was Lucy sat at a table with Gemma. Lucy shot up from her seat but, before she could say anything, Keira shook her head at the pair of them as if disappointed and ran upstairs to her room.

She got into her room and quickly shut the door behind her. She lent against it and just stood there staring at the ceiling for a bit. As she started walking over towards her bed, Leah walked out of the bathroom, startling Keira. "Jesus Leah."
Leah laughed before realising Keira was clearly upset. "I'm not that scary am I?" Leah joked. "Keira, I know we haven't really spoken since the other night but what's up I can tell you're not oka-"
"Would you just leave it Leah?" Keira snapped.
"Keira talk to me, I'm still your best friend... I'll always be here."
"Oh my god can you just shut up about it already?!"
"Keira-" Keira turned and left the room again, trying to find Phil. They had a game tomorrow and it definitely wouldn't be a good idea to put them on together.

She knew which room Phil was staying in but it was one of the furthest away from where she was so it took her a few minutes to get there. She knocked on the door and waited. No answer. She knocked again, this time a little louder. Still nothing. She tried one last time while shouting "Phillllll."
Finally he opened the door, "Hey what's up Keira?"
Keira didn't want to be there long so she got straight to the point. "I don't think it's a good idea to start all of us 4 tomorrow. Me, Lucy, Jordan and Leah"
"And why's that?" Phil looked a little annoyed.
"It just won't work out I-"
"Well you're main starters so you're going to have to get over it."
"See you tomorrow Keira." With that Phil shut the door.
Keira clenched her fists and stared at the ceiling, "Just calm down, Keira," She said to herself before heading back to her room and going straight to bed. Although she hated it, she knew that what Phil says goes, and there was nothing she could do about it. She just had to made sure that her head was in the game tomorrow, that's all that mattered for now.

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