What are you talking about?

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It was gameday against Ireland. Keira had managed to get a little sleep knowing that she would need her energy. She wasn't looking forward to this game, just because she didn't know if she would be able keep her head in the game but Phil had make it more than clear that she would just have to get over it. She had woken up a little later than usual and she noticed that Leah had already left their room, but she still had plenty of time before she had to be downstairs so she lay in her bed a little longer, enjoying the warmth. She couldn't help but start thinking about everything going on: how she was treating Leah, how she'd lied to Lucy about the dream and just what a mess everything had become.


During the early hours of that morning, Jordan lay awake in her bed, just staring at the ceiling, when she heard her phone vibrate next to her. She saw a text from Leah.

Leah: Are you awake? X
Jordan: No
Leah: Very funny Jord 😐
Jordan: Whats up and why are you awake at 5am??
Leah: I could ask you the same thing
Leah: Can we please go watch the sun rise?
Jordan: Now?
Leah: pleeeeease

Jordan quietly sighed at her phone and went to grab a blanket. She wrapped it around herself so that her hands were a bit more free before she left her room, as quietly as she could so she didn't wake Lucy up. She quietly tapped on Leah's door, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Oh hey!" Leah whispered excitedly as she opened the door. "Fancy seeing you here." Jordan pulled Leah in for a hug as she laughed. Leah shut the door carefully behind her, and the pair made their way towards the exit of the hotel, arm in arm. They found a spot, not far away, where they could lay on Jordan's blanket together and watch as the sky began to light up.

At some point, Jordan must have fallen asleep with her arm around Leah, however Leah had been awake the whole time, resting her head on Jordan's chest just... thinking. 

"LOVEBIRDSSS," Leah's head shot up, as she was snapped out of her daydream, to see Beth stood laughing at them not far away. "I see you guys kissed and made up then? I'll leave you to it."

Jordan had woken up from Leah's sudden movement, and turned her head just in time to see Beth walking away laughing. "Huh? What did she say?" Leah just laughed and put her head back on Jordan's chest.


By around 8:30 most of the lionesses had made their way downstairs for breakfast, but Jordan and Leah made it for 9, as they lost track of time in each others company. After that, a lot of the girls decided to go for a walk around the city just to past some time, since they didn't have to be back until 12 to travel to the game. However, Jordan and Leah went to take a nap since they had been up most of the night and they knew that they would need their energy.

Jordan woke up first this time and took this as an opportunity to have some fun. They had slept in Leah's room so she went to find one of her flip flops and then stood there for a good few minutes trying to hold her laughter in. She had finally composed herself enough to do it.

"Leah. Leah quick! Wake up," she gently put the flip flop on the side of Leah's face. "Leah it's your mum. She's on the phone, here." 

Leah opened her eyes and grabbed the flip flop, "Hello?"

She quickly realised what had happened when Jordan stood back away from her unable to contain her laughter.

"Jordaaaaaaan!" She shouted burying her face in her pillow, as she threw the flip flop at her.


The girls arrived at the game fairly soon and went straight into the changing rooms to get ready.


Karen Bardsley
Lucy Bronze
Steph Houghton
Leah Williamson
Alex Greenwood
Keira Walsh
Jordan Nobbs
Jill Scott
Beth Mead
Beth England
Lauren Hemp

It was 30 seconds until kickoff and the girls were all ready in their places.
"Head in the game Keira, you can do this." Keira thought to herself.

They got off to a slow start and England had missed out on a few opportunities, but, as always, the girls were still giving it their everything.

26' An Ireland cross flies past Lucy Bronze to become a great save by Karen Bardsley.

Keira shot an annoyed glare in Lucy's direction.

39' Millie Bright gets subbed on for Leah Williamson.

Leah made her way to the bench and sat next to Ellen.

43' Another Ireland cross finds it's way into the box but is hit wide.

Another glare.

"What's going on between them? Did you just see the look Keira gave Lucy?" Ellen said to Leah.

"I uh... I'm not sure." 

"There's definitely something... they're never normally like this..." Ellen said, keeping her eye on them.

45+2' Beth Mead scores a rocket from outside the box just before halftime.

The halftime changing rooms held some tension between Lucy and Keira but they stayed out of each others way as much as they could.

64' An England cross finds its way into the box but is easily cleared.

86' Katie McCabe sends a cross past Lucy Bronze to find the feet of Tyler Toland making the score 1-1

"Seriously Lucy? Another cross in?!" Lucy felt someone shove her in the back. "Are you doing this on purpose or something?" 

Steph started to run over, "Woah woah woah. Keira stop." She moved in between the pair of them. "What's going on?"

Phil angrily walked along the sideline until he was next to them "Walsh. Off. You too Bronze!"

A few other of the lionesses had also ran over to see what was happening while Ireland were celebrating.

"Bu... But she-"


Lucy Staniforth and Aoife Mannion took the pair's places as they walked towards the bench. Jordan caught up to her best friend and put a hand on her shoulder, "Come on Luce, it was just a dream, get over it now." With that she nodded to Keira and ran off back to her position.

"Wait... what? What dream? What are you talking about?" But Jordan couldn't hear her. She looked back to Keira who was close behind her, "What the hell did she mean by that?" Keira looked away and sped up as if she didn't hear. Lucy's face screwed up in confusion. Keira went straight through the tunnel. Lucy's voice echoed behind her, "Keira, what dream?!"

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