Meeting the Light-Skinned Devil

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        As the season of football took off, my cheer-leading nights were back in full swing. The pumping of my heart as I shouted at the top of my lungs for red and gold, the vibration of the speakers as they blasted the songs we danced to, and the intensity of the hits being made between teams- those are just a few reasons my heart filled so deeply with a love for these Saturday nights. I made irreplaceable friendships and the best of memories. 

        One night after a tied game, there was a party at a player's house. My best friend Harley and I got ready with the other girls from the team. We were all stoked- finally partying with the football players. We all knew they were just a group of horny jocks looking to fuck. For some reason, we still wanted them to notice us. Isn't that strange? To know the absolute truth about people yet completely ignore it for personal fulfillment- absolutely mind-boggling. 

        Walking into the party- hot, sweaty, loud- I started to drink. Not long after that, my eyes glazed over, my head spun and I felt on top of the world. No responsibilities for tonight- except find an eligible football player, of course. When I spotted him from across the party- mixed drink in hand discussing the game with a fellow player- I zoned in on him. He was exactly what I looked for, if not more. His smile was enticing, and his eyes read: pure seduction. Booze running through my system, I pushed my way through the crowd of sweaty, drunk college kids. I had to talk to him. 

        "Hi, what's your name?" Simple. But it did the trick.

        "Well hello you fine little thing. I'm Jay. And you are?" He asked as he extended his massive hand.

        "I'm Dana, It's nice to meet you Jay." I reached my hand in his, firmly shaking his hand (I believe handshakes are a sign of character) as I peered into his deep brown eyes. 

        The way he looked at me inferred there would definitely be a tomorrow with us. Inside, I'm a hopeless romantic. I always yearn for that one special guy who could look at me the way every girl dreams of. I want someone to wake up next to on a Sunday morning, who actually stays. I wasn't like the girls on the cheer team. For them, sex was a personal lust in need of deep fulfillment. For me, however, sex meant so much more. I wanted to be cared for, treated with respect and even maybe loved someday. Then there were times I gave up all hope on romance. For some reason, I knew it in Jay's eyes. I knew for a fact he was trouble. And for the first time of my "adult" life, I completely ignored my senses. 


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