Chapter 9

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Aubrey's POV

I had to keep Harry from knowing. I would feel awful if he got caught up in all of this.He doesn't need to know anything.

"Charlie!" I screamed out.

He came running into my room.

"I called the cops.Their gonna get dad away from us and you two are staying with me"

"But what about mom?"

"She can fend for herself.She has just let this happen to you.She'll be fine"

I started to hear the sirens in the distance.

"You rest I'll take care of everything"

I nodded my head to tired to speak.

》》》》》》Next day》》》》》》

I woke up and felt someone lying next to me.I was scared at first but then realized it was just Charlie.I was all clean and had a pair of my pj's on.

Charlie must have given me a bath and dressed me.I tapped him on his shoulder.

"Charlie wake up" I tapped him harder this time.

"Aub's, what do you need?" He asked.His voice raspy.

"I just wandered if we were going to leave today or...?"

"We're leaving today...Oh the guy with curly hair..."

"...Harry..." I said reminding him of his name.

"Yeah he wanted to meet you at the coffee shop"


I got out of bed and started brushing my hair.I was going to see Harry.I'm not telling him anything that went on last night.It must stay a secret.

Walking out the door I hiss at the pain in my leg.My dad had hit it pretty hard last night.

I get there and see Harry sitting at a table.I need to hurry up and come up with a excuse for what happened last night.

"Hi" I say to harry.

"Hi..." He says lifting his head up.

Sorry I had to cut it short.I just wanted yo update.Vote and comment.

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