Chapter 22

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I'm sorry, again another long wait. I had nearly finished this chapter a couple weeks ago when I had fallen asleep while writing and woke up to most of the chapter gone. I felt like crying, but that wouldn't change a thing so I just pushed through and tried to rewrite it as best as I could remember. Thank you to all those that favorited, reviewed, followed, and pm'd. Y'all are so awesome! I love hearing your reviews! There is a Turkish sentence spoken in this chapter and I put the translation at the bottom. I hope you all enjoy. This is unbeta'd so I'm sorry about any mistakes you find.

"Mac, what's going on?" Jack asked, his eyes wide.

"We've gotta get out of here, now." The younger agent informed quietly and rushed back to his partner's side. "There are merc's out there looking for us and I don't think they wanna play nice."

Mac looked over to the frightened recovery nurse, who hovered near Jack's gurney. "Where does this door lead? The blonde questioned and pointed to the only other door in the room. Her facial expressions of confusion were enough to indicate that she did not speak English.

"We can get to the elevators through that door." The assistant offered hopefully.

A woman, who Mac assumed must be Jack's surgeon, spoke next. "The medflight helicopter and the pilot that brought us here should still be here. The pilot was instructed to stay in case we needed to move him to another facility." The surgeon said indicating Jack with a wave of her hand.

"Let's go." Mac urged. He unlocked the wheels on Jack's bed, while the assistant unhooked Jack's IV and the wires from the monitoring equipment, then they began pushing it and its occupant toward the door he had indicated a moment ago. The surgeon, assistant, and recovery nurse didn't hesitate in following.

Mac cracked the door open and cautiously peered through. "Wait here." He tossed over his shoulder before quietly squeezing through the door and closing it behind him. "No! Mac, son of a "Jack finished the whispered curse with a growl and began to pull at the padded restraints holding his wrists.

Jack had heard somewhere that when you have a child it's like having your heart walking around outside your body. Right now his heart was walking around out there with armed gunmen looking for it while he lay strapped to a hospital bed.

"Mr. Harper… Sir please…" The former Delta took his eyes off the door, that his friend had gone through a moment ago, when he felt a touch on his shoulder. "You need to stop pulling. You are hurting yourself." Jack ignored her and turned his attention back to the door. The exasperated assistant rolled her eyes and went to help Dr. Costas put a kit together.

'Something's wrong, the kid has been gone too long.' Jack pulled on the straps again, harder this time, using them to assist him in sitting up. Fire lanced through his middle and a groan escaped through his clenched teeth. "Take these off me." The older agent growled.

The very frazzled recovery nurse quickly moved from her lookout post, next to the cracked door, to push the injured agent back to a horizontal position. Jack tried to remain sitting, but it was embarrassingly easy for the nurse to force him back down. An involuntary yelp came out for all his effort.

Undaunted and, given his stubbornness, unable to quit, he pulled himself back up to his elbows.

"Bu adamların seni öldürmeye çalışmasına şaşmamalı inatçı amerikan." The nurse murmured, shaking her head. Mac chose that moment to come through the door.

"Jack, what the hell are you doing? You're bleeding again…" Mac uttered, with a bit more heat than he intended. The crisp white bandages contrasted sharply with the crimson blood starting to show through the gauze.

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