When's the wedding

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Do vampires have libraries? It would be interesting to have them read every book in the world

(See the end of the chapter for .)

Chapter Text

"Elsa, this way."

Elsa glanced at Tooth. The vampire woman had come by her room a little while ago, asking if she wanted to walk around the castle. The snow woman was more then willing to leave her chambers. Along the way, Tooth had been kind enough to tell Elsa which room is which and what it holds, and if she was curious enough, Tooth let her go inside whichever room she was mostly interested in, and the kind brown haired woman was close to follow. Elsa suspected it was mostly to keep her away from dangerous pathways, and to keep her from getting into trouble.

While she liked seeing new things from the castle, she wondered if there was a library. She had spent most of her free time in the library back home simply because she enjoyed reading. She wasn't as open as Anna so she enjoyed her solitude from time to time.

"Tooth, are there any libraries here?" She asked the kind vampire woman. Tooth looked at Elsa questionably, then she smiled.

"It's right this way." The purple eyed woman led Elsa into two halls and a staircase before they stopped in front of double doors. Tooth opened the doors, leading the snow woman inside. Elsa's eyes widen and her mouth opened slightly when she laid eyes in the room.

The library was the biggest she had ever seen! It was massive compared to the one at home. Looking around, she has never seen so many books before. Completely speechless and amazed, Elsa walked forward towards the closest shelf nearby. "Amazing..." She said softly as her hand traced over various books. One thing was for certain to her, she would never get bored. She would gladly spend all day in this very room.

"I take it you enjoy reading?" Tooth came up to her with a smile on her face.

Elsa returned the smile. "Yes, very much."

Regarding the bride, Tooth responded. "Well you are free to use the library anytime you wish."

"May I?" She asked happily. The vampire nodded her head.

Elsa turned her attention to the books, running her fingers over the spines while reading the titles. One book caught her attention. Pulling it out of the shelf, she read the title. The Fabric. It was a small book, probably a twenty or thirty minute read if she read it fast enough. Though the title itself wasn't really interesting, and it didn't seem like something she would really enjoy reading, it was just that the title that made her think.

Fabrics were used in everything... Curtains, dresses... Fabrics were used in weddings... Elsa hadn't thought even thought about it until now, when was her wedding? Slowly, Elsa placed the book back were it belonged, staring for just a moment then she turned to face Tooth.

Tooth slightly tilted her head to the side. Just a second ago, Elsa was happy, now she looked hesitant and worried. The sudden change in emotion confused the brown haired woman. "Is there something wrong?"

Hesitating for a bit, Elsa gathered her courage and looked at the woman before. "When is the wedding?"

Tooth was even more confused. "Wedding?" Elsa nodded, but that didn't help the vampire. "What wedding?"

"Mine and... Jack's wedding." Elsa responded slowly. She looked at Tooth's expression, she looked utterly lost and she kept staring at Elsa as if she had grown a second head. Now this confused the blue eyed woman herself, was there no wedding being planned?

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