Chapter two

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Annie's pov
My friends names had all been called then Mads says.
M=And the last member is Annie Leblanc
Me and all the girls jumped up and squealed.
M=the rest of you may go. Congratulations you guys were awesome I can't wait to see all the talent you guys have.
A=thank you so much we're all very excited
M=you all deserved it (smiles and walks away)
J=omg I cant wait for this dance season
K=I know it's gonna be so much fun
L=and the best part is we all get to do the thing we love together
A=this is gonna be amazing
Then the guys come in.
H=hey guys how'd you guys do?
A=we all made it
We all say thank you then Asher walks in.
As=Annie! Did you make it?
As=congratulations I'm so proud of you
A=thank you!! (We hug)
Hayden's Pov
I got that feeling again that's so weird. But I just feel mad and I don't know why.
A=Hayden are you ok you seam upset?
H=Nothings wrong (smiles)
A=good (smiles back)
Why did I get so nervous when she smiled at me. Like there's no way I like her she's my best friend and nothing more. I need to prove Johnny wrong I'm gonna ask another girl on a date. But who? You know that Lexi girl is really pretty and she seams cool that's who I'm gonna ask but I need to go find her.
H=guys I'll be right back
Then I walk away and I go to find Lexi then I see her bye her locker.
H=hey Lexi
Le=hey what's up?
H=Are you busy Saturday night?
H=do you maybe wanna go on a date with me?
Le=sure! but where?
H=we could go bowling
Le=ok that sounds fun what time will you pick me up?
H=how about 7:30?
Le=perfect I'll see ya then bye!
H=bye Lexi
Ok I'm going on a date now maybe she'll be the one for me and I'll get to prove Johnny wrong. I go back to the group.
A=you look happy
H=it's cause I am
A=ooooo does Hayden like a girl?!?!?!?!
H=idk if I like her yet but we're going on a date Saturday
Jo=Um wow who is it?
H=lexi jade
K=you guys are gonna be soooooooo cuteeee!!
A= I knowww let's think of a ship name
H=y'all are thinking about this way to much. (Laughs)
Jo=Hayden can I talk to you
H=yeah guys we'll be right back
We go out of the gym
Jo=so you and Lexi
H=yep now does this prove I don't like Annie?
Jo=well no but I can see where your trying to convince yourself you don't like her
H=whatever but you'll realize that I'm right (laughs)
Jo=ok man (laughs)
Annie's Pov
When Johnny and Hayden walked away Asher came up to me.
As=hey can I talk to you over there
A=yeah sure
We walk over in the corner of the gym
As=Annie I really like you but I know we've only known eachother for a day so I was wondering if you wanna go on a date with me Saturday?
A=I'd love too and your right we should get to know eachother
As=great I can't wait (smiles)
A=me neither (smiles back)
We walk over to the group at the same time Hayden and Johnny got back
K=what's up with you two
A=me and Asher are gonna go on a date Saturday!!
L=omg omg omg I totally ship this
K=me too
Hayden's Pov
Johnny just turns and looks at me and I'm not gonna lie I kinda do feel jealous but I don't like Annie and I know for a fact I don't like Asher so I don't know why but maybe after my date with Lexi it'll go away.
That's the end of chapter two I hope you enjoyed!💋🤍

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