Chapter 6

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Hawk was pacing the floor of the hospital, not able to sit down. He was worn out and should have rested, but the concern for his team mates kept him on his toes. He was grateful it was one of the bigger hospitals, because all of his comrades were in surgery at the same time. Ferrari was the first one who was brought out. Hawk accompanied him to his room. The half-Italian was still unconscious, but the doc had informed Hawk that he would make a full recovery.

Macs surgery was a complicated one, he was lucky there was a specialist already waiting for him. Jack had made sure the medical team was aware of the severity of Macs injury. It still took them three hours until the EOD tech was rolled out of the OR and into ICU.

Jack was already there. Although his injuries weren't complicated ones, the combination of blood loss, infection and total exhaustion had almost cost him his life. Hawk had entered the ICU and was waiting for an update. The doctor stepped into the room, after checking on his patients he addressed the field medic.

„You did a real good job out there soldier! Quite a task out in the middle of nowhere with three injured comrades."

„If it hadn't been for Jack, we wouldn't have made it out of there alive. He was the one who went back to get the board for Mac and that with a GSW to the leg. How are they doc?"

„Well, Specialist MacGyver was really lucky. Half an inch lower and he would have been paralyzed permanently. We were able to remove the shrapnel without any problems. We did tests to see how his reflexes are, and everything looks good so far. If there aren't any complications coming up, he should make a full recovery. Sergeant Dalton on the other hand gave us quite a scare. We lost him during the surgery, but Doctor Wells was able to bring him back. The blood loss he suffered was severe, the infection adding to that. He's in critical condition, the next hours are crucial." The Doctor noticed Hawks haggard appearance. „They are in good hands. You should go and get some rest soldier." Hawk nodded. „I'll have to report to our superior. Please call me, if there is any change."

The room was silent, the beeping of the heart monitors and a soft whooshing of the oxygen the only sounds. Mac felt like he was floating. Awareness came slowly for him. He recognized the room as a hospital room. Probably ICU if the amount of machines and medical stuff were any indication. Why was he here? Mac wondered. Had the disarming of an IED gone wrong? Suddenly everything came back. The Taliban camp, Jack and Ferrari shot, RPG … pain, no feeling in his legs! His breathing got fast, he tried to move his legs, but his whole body felt numb. The heart monitor began to scream. A nurse rushed in and assessed the situation. „Easy Specialist, you have to calm down or I'll have to sedate you. Take slow deep breaths."

„I … I can't feel my legs." Macs eyes were wide with fear.

„The anesthesia hasn't worn off completely." She removed the blanket over Macs legs. „Try to move your toes."

Mac couldn't actually feel the motion, but he saw the wiggling of his toes. The relief he felt was unbelievable. A big grin appeared on his face, he looked over and registered, that he wasn't alone in the room.

„Jack!" His friend looked … dead. It was weird, Jacks skin was normally tanned. Now he was as white as a sheet apart from the flush of fever on his cheeks. Jack was hooked up to an heart monitor, he had an oxygen mask on his face and there were several IV bags and one with blood. The icy hand of fear grabbed his heart. He turned to the nurse.

„What happened to him?"

„He collapsed in the helicopter. The blood loss he suffered was severe and the infection weakened him further. His heart stopped during the surgery, but the doctor was able to bring him back. They were able to stabilize him, but he's not out of the woods yet. Are you ok for now, can I get you anything?" The nurse asked and left the room after Mac shook his head.

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