Betting with a Legend - P.3

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Your mind clouded feeling his lips take over your earlobe – a spot that had never had attention paid to it before. Your hips moved ever so slightly, creating a small rubbing motion against his bulge that seemed to be getting further away from your control.

Back in the bathroom not so long ago, you made a mental promise to yourself to not give in so easily and let him have his way, though it was getting increasingly difficult to honor that promise. Your lingerie was still securely on and he was still completely dressed as well but even the smallest touch of his lips and feeling his bulge proved to be a lot. If it was this difficult to keep your thoughts straight right now, you knew you would really be in for it soon.

"Oh, Senorita, you like what you feel?" he asked softly in your ear noting your hips pushing into him.

Your body *loved* what it felt to be more exact. Even if you made an attempt to verbally lie to make him actually work for it, your body told a different story. Your hips continued to slowly rub against him and you could feel yourself becoming moister between your legs. He put in almost no effort but somehow managed to enslave your body.

Before you had a chance to answer or create some sort of fib, his lips pressed against yours for the very first time.

A first kiss was always special and sometimes even awkward. But in this moment – a moment you weren't expecting to have your first kiss with him in – it was absolutely perfect. He had a hunger behind him as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip begging for entrance to your mouth. This would have been a perfect moment to refuse and tease him, though again your body did exactly what it was told. Your lips parted just enough for his eager tongue to gain entrance and explore. His hands quickly slid down from your hips to your bare ass giving it a squeeze as your tongue had been dominated by his.

But as he squeezed you, he also began to make that slight rubbing motion that you had been doing against his bulge into something rougher. Your toes curled as you let out a small gasp against his mouth feeling a new warm sensation becoming stronger in the lower half of your body. Your breathing became uneven while the muscles inside of your vagina tensed with each movement almost screaming for his erect penis to fill it.

Your lips no longer responded to his in the kiss as you were desperately trying to focus on controlling yourself in this strong rubbing sensation. Although, when your lips stopped, he took notice giving him even more control than what he already had.

"Trying to stop yourself from orgasming, huh?" there was no hiding anything from him. "You can certainly try."

He had a laugh in his voice as his movements began to slow down, visibly enjoying your internal struggle and how easy it was for him to make you feel pleasure.

Desire and desperate; two perfect words to describe exactly how your body had been feeling. Desire in the sense that your skin ached for his touch. To feel his fingertips roam every inch of your body leaving no part unexplored and unattended to. Wanting to experience his lips in places that you had never felt before in a way to completely expose yourself to him. Desperate in the sense that your vagina begged for him to stretch and fill its walls.

The rubbing motion had stopped, giving you just a few moments to regain control of your body; pushing that burning feeling away the best that you could. But those moments went by quickly before he began to press his lips against your bare shoulders while moving his hands away from your ass to the small of your back.

"Isn't this night about you?" you managed to ask, almost breathless feeling the series of gentle kisses that were being placed on your skin.

As he still sat on the bed, holding you close with his clothes still on, and taking his time; you were indeed confused. He won the bet by winning the game and his prize – to your understanding – was pleasure. So why was he not just thrusting himself inside of you or asking for a blowjob?

"No." he breathed out close to your skin feeling the slight tingling sensation of his stubble. "I want this to be all about you."

His voice was soft – a tone you weren't sure you would ever be used to.

"How does this bet benefit you if it's all about me?" you couldn't help but ask him. Bets are meant to benefit the winner not the other way around.

Hiskisses trailed down from your shoulders to your collar bone, permitting yourgrip around his neck to loosen significantly. Your breathing became uneven onceagain feeling his hands roam from the small of your back to right below yourbreasts. Feeling his hands remain steady on your skin so close to your chestcaused some tensing as you awaited his next move. He never answered yourquestion about how this bet would benefit him at all but instead decided toremain silent and continue on with his actions.

His kisses finally stopped after each piece of skin he could reach had been touched leaving a cool consciousness at each spot. Slightly pulling back, his dark eyes locked themselves at your breasts and the red silk fabric that covered them. The front – still in the form of a perfectly wrapped bow – had been patiently waiting to be tugged at to reveal what was hiding underneath to the open air. After taking a few seconds to examine the sight before him, he ran his right hand a little higher until his thumb placed itself directly on your covered nipple allowing the rest of this hand to gently cup the breast. With a tender stroke, his thumb caressed the now hardened piece of skin as if he had been somewhat teasing himself in the process.

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