chapter 7

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Neil: who the hell is this raj he said through gritted teeth

avni slowly opened her eyes and noticed that neil was so close to her making anyone think they were about to kiss... she turned her face sideways avoiding looking at his fury eyes.. this made neil even more angry and he grabbed her chin forcing her to looking at him

neil: look at me when im talking to u...whoever this raj is I don't care but just remember one thing avni only I have the rights on you so forget this so called raj of yours because you are mine ONLY MINE... dont forget we will get married understood he whispered dangerously

avni looked at neil for few sec trying to register what he was saying... she gulped her saliva when he spoke like that but then put up a confident look.

Avni: ur wrong neil u have no rights on me because ONLY raj has right on me...ONLY raj so its best if u get that in ur head...yes its true that we r going to get married but that's only for our parents sake otherwise I wouldn't even want to marry a person like you who is responsible for my juhi's state she said angrily though tears were welling up slowly... neil looked at avni coldly

Neil: how can I forget u assume things too quickly without thinking... about raj he can go to hell because soon he will find out who will have full rights on you...he said tracing her cheeks but then squeezed it... and about juhi u just jumped into conclusion and blamed me for something I didn't do but u know what I don't think I need to prove my innocence to u because u don't deserve it he said and with that he moved away from her.

Both were glaring at each other.  Neil walked away from there and went back to the table while avni composed herself and joined them

Avni: riya I will leave now

riya: but didu stay for a while and also neil bhai is here so y leave early

Avni: riya I wish if I could but I got to go home right now as I  had to discuss something important with bhai
riya: didu u know neil bhai came here for u and u cant even spend time with him

Avni: come on riya in fact I just asked neil a min ago when he was near the washroom that if I can leave as I had to meet abhi bhai and he said that's completely fine right neil she said with a fake smile...

whereas neil didn't answer and was giving avni only a blank look...

Avnk hugged riya and ali and sarcastically said bye to neil before leaving... once she sat in her car she took a deep breath and headed home.

Two hours later.

After avni had left neil stayed at the cafe for 30 mins and left leaving riya  and ali, he was in his room laying on the bed and was staring at the ceiling but  in his mind was only one name JUHI when avni mentioned her name since then he was thinking where is she now, how is she as after seeing juhi in that state he didn't see her again as avni had taken her to the hospital.

He called one of his friend who he was still in contact with since university

Vidyut: hey neil whats up

Neil: nothing dude well I need to tell u something

Vidyut: what happened is everything ok? He asked worryingly

Neil: sort of... well the thing is im getting married... vidyut who drinking his drink choked

Vidyut : r u serious man? u finally r getting married I wonder who that lucky girl is... im so happy for u... by the way who is the girl.  he asked genuinely being happy for his friend who was like a brother for him

Neil: AVNI ... vidyut who had a big smile on his face which was slowly replaced by shock and then anger

Vidyut: avni as in avni metha? he asked to confirm

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