chapter 13

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Avni: so it means u forgive me.

Vidyut: I guess so... friends? he said forwarding his hands.

Avni: no she said smacking his hands playfully

Mithali: avni?

Avni: mithali I was always friends with vidyut its just that I came back to india due to juhi and lost contact with him... I never had any problems with u vidyut.

Vidyut: haan but I did end the friendship from my side so friends again? He said forwarding his hands again... Avni smiled and shook his hands

Ali: what r u guys talking about he asked loudly...

the three looked ahead to see riya and ali looking at them curiously.

Avni: nothing just became friends with vidyut.

Meanwhile at the office neil was in his cabin but he was not able to concentrate as he was remembering what avni said to him at the hospital yesterday and what she said to him today at the temple.

His heart was telling him to forgive avni but his mind was against it

Neil to himself: I don't know what to do ...for a sec I did feel like forgiving her but then her bitter words keep coming back to me... how could she blame me for something like that... yes I did flirt with girls but I would never take advantage of them in the wrong way... no I am not going to forgive u avni not so easily.

Later on abhi came into avni room with his phone and he looked at avni before speaking

Abhi: avni I just received a call from the police station and they told me that the police in paris arrested raj and now ... before he could continue avni completed his sentence

Avni: and now the police over here has arrested him.

Abhi looked at avni and caressed avni hair before leaving her room while avni looked on remembering juhi's word about what raj did to her.

Around 18:30pm

At the khanna mansion shweta had already came back with bebe long time ago but ali, mithali and vidyut had stayed back with avni... also neil and prakash had come back from office.

Neil: mom where is vidyut, mitali and ali

Shweta: beta they stayed back with avni... but they should be coming soon.

Bebe: prakash I think u should let neil have some days off from work so that even he could spend some time with avni... what do u think shweta ?

Shweta: absolutely right otherwise bechari avni has to wait for her husband attention like me.

Prakash : bebe I always tell neil to take some days off but he doesn't so what can I do... and shweta ji I always give u attention he said looking at shweta lovingly...

shweta gave a shy smile while bebe was trying to stop herself from laughing... she turned to neil smiling and saw that he was busy on his phone

Bebe: have a look at this here we r talking about neil thinking that he is listening to us but no he is busy on his phone... she then snatched the phone of neil and that's when she got his attention.

Neil: bebe please give me my phone back... I was looking at some important email

Bebe: neil bachu get useto of not having your phone because after u get married u will have to give your full attention to your wife not this phone. Neil looked away uncomfortably

Neil : sorry bebe... if u think I will give my attention to someone else then u r wrong.

Prakash : oye that someone else is called avni... right now u r acting like this but after marriage u will be eager to spend your time with her 24/7 so stop pretending that u r not interested in talking about her.

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