Don't You Dare [Hubert]

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          "I swear to fucking god Hubert if you die right here I'll kick your shit in!"

          "Says the one with more holes than swiss fucking cheese."

    Tensions are always high on the battle field, but none of the students from the black eagle house ever expected something like this to happen. The two quietest members of their house were not only fighting off a hoard of trained thieves single handedly, but they were managing to do it while engaging in an argument for the ages.

           "Mhm, and youre the one who constantly needs to get healed by Lin-" The young girl took a quick look at the two armored knights charging for her and yelled, "Switch!"

     Instantly knowing what to do, Hubert tossed his magic book containing Miasma A, just as his classmate tossed her lance at him. Each caught the other's weapon and continued fighting. Noticing the archer on his way to flank Y/N, Hubert launched the glimmering lance at the advancing enemy.

      He smirked as it pierced the lower torso of his foe, who died practically instantly.

           "Watch your flank you idiot." The tall male's gravelly voice hollered above the din of battle.

           "Says the one who tossed away his only weapon!" She yelled back, not before unsheathing the dagger on her waist and tossing it to him, which he swiftly used to stab the leader of the theives, Mikklan.

     Large, gooey tendrils began to erupt from the once crimson lance, Mikklan's screams soon get blotted out as the goop snakes it's way up his arm, and body, before engulfing his face entirely. Apon seeing their master engulfed in a cocoon of death, the remaining thieves turned on their tails and ran.

     A single straggler was spotted trying to escape by the black beast, and was soon snapped up in it's powerful jaws. The man streamed as glistening fangs pierced his torso, then fell silent as he was slung into one of cracked stone walls with nothing more than a snap of the monster's head.

     Turning it's red gaze apon the only other people left in the tower, the beast thundered towards the students with a soul-shattering roar.

     All of the Black Eagle students who hasn't already retreated hid behind Byleth, hoping that his newly acquired Sword of the Creator would protect them from the inky monster. Well, all except one.

     Y/N charged for the shadowy being, hoping she would distract it from attacking her friends.

          "Oi you big monster thing! Take this!" She grabbed the stay dagger off the ground from where Hubert had dropped it, still covered in Mikklan's blood, and plunged it into the beast's thick, black hide.

     Turning it's empty eyes on you, the Thing began to charge directly at its attacker.

It was almost as if time stopped.

Flashes. Like pictures from a polaroid camera. That was all you could see.

The beast charging for you.

Hubert putting his hand out, as if he thought such a simple thing could save you.

A sudden, sharp pain in your torso.

Then nothing.

Black. Darker than the beast. Horrible, all consuming silence.

Is this it?

          "Hubert. She's gone... We have to go..." After a second Byleth added, "I'm sorry."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐝𝐬 [ꜰᴇ3ʜ ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ]Where stories live. Discover now