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Warnings : talk of dead bodies later on in chapter.

Remus is staying over at Logan's. Logan is beyond frightened of what could happen to Remus. After all, Remus is Logan's first love. Logan didn't really know what to do-. He knows how killers think yet, he can't understand the one around in this area. The killer's last victims were in a totally new place, completely different from where they normally get their victims from. Logan was worried about Remus' life. He just couldn't even bare the thought of losing Remus.

It was the middle of the night. Logan was laying wide awake, with his back on the bed. Remus was next to him, head on Logan's chest. When Logan felt Remus move. Remus slowly got off of Logan. Logan quickly grabs his glasses and puts it on. Remus wasn't going into the bathroom, maybe he needed water? Logan himself felt parched, do he stood up and follows Remus.

"You okay, Dear?" Logan asks him as he caught up to Remus in the end of the hallway. Remus stood stock still when Logan spoke. Logan moves closer towards Remus and hugs him from behind. "Huh?" Remus says finally, confused as to why they were up. After getting them both a glass of water, Logan drags Remus back to bed.

The next day Ree was there again. Prancing around the place and irritating the neighbors. At night, it was once again Remus. Logan felt movement next to him and saw Remus waking up again. Logan now hates and loves the fact that he is a light sleeper. Logan sighs as he once again grabs his glasses and follows Remus into the hallway. Logan grabs Remus' hand. He then notices the lack of expression on Remus' face. Is it possible that Remus has a sleepwalking problemLogan caught himself thinking as Remus once again snaps out of his dazed state. Logan drags him back to bed.

The day after, Logan and Remus went to visit Emile Picani to inlight him about Remus' sleepwalking. "It's happened for the past two nights. I can't be sure if it is just him stressing, or an affect of his dissociative identity disorder." Logan tells him. Picani agrees with him, saying that both might be possible, the latter more so than the former.

That night Logan woke up again, put on his glasses and saw Remus walking out of his room. He follows him again, and stops him in his living room this time. Hugging him and kissing his forehead. Logan contacts Patton the next morning, asking him if he knows anything about Remus' sleepwalking. Patton knew that Remus does that and always just brought him back to his bed.

When the fourth night arrives and Remus sleepwalks out of the room again, Logan decides to follow him. Remus walks towards the front door, unlocks it and walks into the night. Logan locks up behind himself before he follows Remus again. Remus walks towards the little park, and sits on a bench. Logan doesn't sit next to him, afraid of waking the man. All of a sudden, Remus' head turns towards Logan. Logan's heart speeds up a bit. Remus doesn't look awake, yet...he knows that someone is there, watching him. Logan felt uneasy under this gaze.

Remus then stood up, still locking eyes with Logan. He then walks towards Logan, slowly. Logan doesn't move. Once Remus was infront of Logan, he woke up again. Remus looks around them, wondering what has happened.

The fifth night, Logan woke up at around four in the morning to Remus climbing back into bed. He still looks asleep. Remus then cuddles up to Logan, who in turn holds him close and kisses his forehead, wandering where Remus had been.

The next day was uneventful. This week seems to have been so as well... Apart from Remus' nightly walks. Logan sprayed a chemical tracker onto the back of Remus' neck, without the latter noticing. Picani encouraged this, since he didn't want Remus hurting himself. They did it without Remus knowing. "The mind is a powerful place. If Remus himself knows about the tracker, then sleepwalker Remus knows as well and might even get rid of it." Emile told him. Logan was going to tell Remus after they found out where he was going each and every night. Logan was just as worried as Picani and Patton, if not more.

The morning after, while Remus were showering, Logan opened his laptop to find out where Remus has been to. It showed that he went over to the town that Roman was in. He was in a hotel. And at that place someone came into contact with the back of his neck. The chemical were now on that person too. They both went to a park together and then split up. Logan found this very concerning. It then says that Remus went to another hotel and stayed there for twenty minutes before slowly making his way towards a condemned building, were the other person were. Remus then left and went back towards the park, staying there for ten minutes before returning to Logan. The other person stayed at the condemned building for fifteen minutes before going back towards the original hotel.

Logan was beyond confused as to what went down. He calls Roman, and asks him to go and check out the hotels and the condemned building. He wanted to know why Remus went there.

Later that day, Logan got a call. Two more bodies were found that were killed a day apart. The bodies were dumped at the same place. That place happens to be the same condemned building that Remus and the other person went to. Logan checked the location of the two on his laptop. Remus was in Patton's house, the other person were a block away from the dump site. Logan picked up his phone and called Roman, his heart sinking tremendously.

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