Another One

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Remus woke up to feeling numb all over his body. His leg and arm muscles hurt like hell. He stood up, not before gently taking his black cat off of his chest, and decided to take a long, warm bath to ease his muscles. This seems to happen from time to time recently. Him waking up to feel his muscles ache. He also knows that it is most likely to do with him sleeping on a hard mattress aswel as his wack sleeping schedule. But who could blame him? Remus works online for a company in a different continent, aswel as for one a state away.

So he mostly works late at night or extremely early in the morning. He rarely works near the middle of the day. Remus has been scolded by Patton for not choosing a reasonable hour when doing his work, since he may choose when he works. The only 'catch' is that he has to finish the day's work through out the day, for both companies. Which he finishes within five hours anyways.

Patton didn't stop scolding him about his chosen work hours though. Remy praised his work hours but that was besides the point. Remus was starting to change his work hours. Now, hopefully, working from six thirty until eleven thirty. Or well, until he is finished. Some days he works longer, other days he has barely nothing to do.

Once Remus has finished his daily routine, giving his cat a treat too for being a good girl, and sat at his desk in one of his spare rooms. He turned his one spare room, the smallest one, into a little study so that he could at least try to separate his work life from his home life. The bottom half of the room had a dark wood panel whilst the top half was painted green. The green was nor dark or light. It was in the middle of the two and it was perfect for him, seeing as green was his favorite color. No particular shade of green,

After giving Dog, his cat, some fresh water; he went into his study to begun working.

A few blocks away, at a reasonable hour, Logan Smith knocks on Patton's front door. Logan was relieved and anxious at the thought of the serial killer, since the killer struck again last night, or wel, around one am this morning. He's relieved because he hopes that the killer has left a clue or has made a mistake. After his session with Patton, he will drive to the crime scene and meet up with a detective. The serial killer struck in the neighboring city...again. Maybe he should have stayed in that city, Logan thought.

Patton opens the door. "Oh hi!" Patton says happily. "Uh, salutations, my name is Logan Smith-"

"You're here 'bout the murders?" Logan bit the inside of his cheek. He doesn't really like being interrupted. Patton comes outside and locks his door behind him. "There is a little park not to far from here, we can talk there." Patton says, walking past Logan and beckoning the other to follow.

At the park Logan asked Patton about everything under the sun about the serial killer. He even asked him some of the same questions he had asked other people in the town. For consistency, Logan reminded himself. "Do you know anything about the serial killer's most recent victim?" Logan had asked him.

"The one from a few days ago? I already did-" Patton stopped talking. "They killed again, haven't they?" Logan nodded and told Patton that it happened around one that morning in the neighboring city.

"I'm not allowed to tell you the details, but I am going to check out the crime scene and talk to a detective there." Logan reassured him. "Let us hope they made a mistake." Patton agreed with the statement.

A little over five in the afternoon, Remus arrived at Patton's doorstep. He nocked his usual knock pattern and waited for Patton.

Patton opened the door a minute later, after looking through the peep hole to make sure that it was Remus. They hugged and stepped inside. Patton locked the door behind them.

They walked into his white tiled kitchen and started baking a chocolate cake. They usually bake things together once a week, alternating between their houses aswel as what they will be making.

There was a lot of dad jokes, aswel as conversing about everything and anything. Remus was shocked to hear about there being another possible murder, but glad that it wasn't in their town again.

"When will they stop?" Patton asked, deflated. Remus just sighed at his friend's rhetorical question. He just hoped that this all would end soon.

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