It's Over Isn't It PT. 2 (Smut)

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A/N: My friends begged me to do a Part Two to the first one so here you go! Also if I accidentally write Kylo instead of Ben I'm sorry, I'm just so used to typing Kylo. I'll try to catch myself if I can, but if you see it and you know it's not intentional just read it as Ben. Enjoy!

AJ jumped down from Hux's lap and pulled his sleeve. Hux turned around in his chair. His mouth fell open. "Ben..." A dark figure stood tall, he wore Jedi robes and smiled. "Armitage." Hux was breathless. "Daddy, who is that?" Hux tried so hard not to shed tears, "That son, is your father."

Hux didn't even think, his body just moved. He walked over to Ben and hugged him. "How... how did you survive, she saw you fade, you were dead!" Ben pushed Hux off of him and gripped his shoulders. "I found a way out of it. I used most of my dark power but I beat it."

Hux stepped back, "You do not know how much I missed you." Ben nodded, "I know." Ben looked over at AJ who just stared at him. He grabbed Hux's hand and hid behind his leg. "Ben... he's uh not used to meeting new people." Ben kneeled and AJ peaked around Hux's leg.

"Hello, I know you don't know me Anakin, but I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to get you to know me." Hux picked up AJ and walked over to his desk. He grabbed his holopad and called for Poe to come to his office. He turned around, "Poe is on his way to retrieve AJ, he is in sc-" Hux was cut off by Ben's lips. Hux pulled away and rested his forehead on Ben's.

Ben chuckled and smiled, "Sorry... I've just waited so long for that feeling." Hux nodded and set down AJ, "What feeling?" Kylo wrapped his hands around Hux's waist and he pulled him close. Hux felt the heat radiating off his body, "That feeling..." he whispered in his ear. Hux was so wrapped in the hug that he didn't hear the door open.

"Poe! Look daddy has a friend and their faces came together like yours and daddies does sometimes!" Hux looked at the door and Poe just stared at them. Hux got off of Ben, "Poe..." he ran his hand through his hair. "You needed me, Armitage?" Hux cleared his throat, "Umm yes, I was wondering if you could take him to bed."

Poe's eyes shifted over to Ben. "Why so you two can be alone?" Ben cocked his head and walked over to Hux. "I'm sorry Poe, are we bothering you?" Poe nodded, "Well I'm not sure if you could see all we did threw that little Jedi world you were stuck in but for all those years, I was the one who would help him sleep when all he'd do was have nightmares."

Ben smirked, "Well that's strange because those weren't nightmares, you just never looked close enough to see what they really were." Hux's breathing hitched, Ben was right they weren't nightmares. "Look will you two stop the masculinity test. I'd rather my office not to reek of Testosterone." Poe scoffed, "Well it seems as if you've already done enough of that for us."

"There is a child present! I would advise you to leave Commander Poe, before I have to remove you." Poe rolled his eyes and scooped up AJ in his arms. "He's staying in my quarters tonight. You know where to find him in the morning. Poe walked out of the room and shut the door.

Hux walked over to his desk and fell into his chair. "AGHH! I hate when he's like this!" Ben walked over to the empty chair across from him and sat down. "Like what?" Hux straightened out some papers, "He's being possessive over a thing he doesn't own." Ben nodded, "He can always be terminated."

Hux shook his head, "No, that's not the Resistance way. Yes, old me would have probably killed him in front of everyone, but I am a different man. We both are." Ben nodded, "We are different men, but we still feel the same, right?" The question came out of no where and Hux hesitated, "Why yes of course. Poe was just a friend, he was just there when no one was." Ben smiled, "Good."

He looked around the office, "You really didn't change anything did you?" Hux shook his head, "What can I say, your mother was a great organizer." Ben chuckled, "She was..." he ran his fingers along the bookshelves and then turned back to Hux. "I kinda miss your old uniform, but green is my favorite color." Hux smirked, "You miss what about my old uniform?"

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