High School (AU)

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A/N: This is a different story line from my previous High School AU co-written with my friend McKenna085! Enjoy!

Hux was walking down the halls, his head high. He wasn't popular, but he was the smartest at the school, being the top of his class. It was a lot to manage but Hux got by.

Kylo was smart, smarter than most, but he rarely showed it. Approval from his peers was much more important, given that, he was what they considered to be a goth. Black was his favorite color and his hair touched his chin at all times. He walks through the halls with his AirPods in and his mind blank. He didn't even see the boy he had just ran directly into until after they were both on the ground.

Hux groans and rubs his head, the other boy being very muscular and less soft. He cringed as he looked at the fluorescent lights. Kylo sits up and starts grabbing the boy's books for him. "I'm sorry man...didn't see you there."

"I-it's ok..." Hux sat up and looked at the boy in front of him and cringed, feeling dirty. Kylo meets his eyes briefly and then looks down, knowing what the preppy thought of him. He keeps humming the song coming through his AirPods, the ones no one knew he had in because of his hair.

Hux scoffed and snatched his books away. "You were yelling." Kylo continues to hum and gathers his own books.  "You're in the wrong key." Kylo moves his shoulders to the music and gets up. "Face Down." Kylo mouths the words and puts a few books in his bag.

Hux sighs and puts his hand on Kylo's shoulder. "HEY!" Kylo looks at him and blinks a few times before taking an earbud out. "What prep." Hux rolled his eyes at the name. "Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Face Down."

"I'm surprised."

Hux nods, "Some people just don't know the good music." Hux walks off to his next class. Kylo watches him leave and follows him. "Hey!"

Hux turns back around. "Hmm?" Kylo stutters for a minute and shakes his head, turning around and walking to his class. Hux shakes it off and walks back to his class. Hux's best friend Phasma sits beside his normal seat and smiles. "Talking to the emo kid?"

Hux chuckles, "He slammed right into me."
"You know everyone thinks he's gay right?" Hux sighed, "Does it matter?"

"I'm just warning you. You know I don't have a problem with it." She takes her feet off his desk and turns to the front. "I'm aware... but why warn me...? I mean he's pretty cute." Hux smiled. "Don't go there Armitage. Not a good idea."

Hux furrowed his brow. "Why not?"

"He's be dead by the end of high school. Drugs or suicide. One of those." She watches the teacher. Hux sighs, "Might as we'll be there when he OD's."

The teacher clears his throat. "Mr. Hux. No talking during my class." Hux's face went red, "Yes sir, sorry sir." Phasma looks over to him and chuckles. Hux swats at her and slaps her arm. "Ow!" The teacher pauses again but doesn't say anything.

"Hush up!" Hux whispers. Phasma rolls her eyes and looks at the front. "So when are you and your new boyfriend going out?"

"What are you talking about I-"

"Mr. Hux! Detention!" The teacher said sternly. Hux's face went white. "What?! No! I- it was Phasma!"

"Ah well you can both have it!" He goes back to teaching. Hux stands, "Sir please... I can't have a detention."

"Sit down. Or it's two days." Hux quickly sits down and puts his head in his hands.

"It'll be okay..you can see your boyfriend." Phasma quips. "Shut up." Hux snarls.

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