why master why intro

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So this my first book so tell me if i need to change anything or not

Okay to start lets intruduce characters alittle



Likes:serving her master, leo, chocolate covered strawberries and animals

Personality:shy,quite, outgoing once she opens upto you



Likes:protecting roslynn, plants, quiteness and frozen grapes( dont judge just try them okay)

Personality: brave, loyal, and caring

Lets go back about 2years or so.

Leo's P.O.V

'Mater started wearing another ring did that mean-no it couldnt theres no one left like me' leo thought to him self as he was protecting his master

(kota is his masters name just saying)

While in his six tailed wolf form

"Bring her in please"Kota asked and his servents did so.

What leo saw was a beautiful girl walk in( im going to discribe k? Well first thing was her beautiful white hair with light blue stricks(sp?) then she had big chestal regians a tiny waist and had a pretty big butt. She had a harbard straped to her back and she was shaking from fear). All leo could think is 'why is she so scared doent she know he wont hurt her-' his thought was interupted when kota said"child i will not hurt you for i have no reason" that seemed to calm her only alittle then she looked at me and... fainted and im laying here like 'wth just happened'

''''''''''''''""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""okay like i said before please comment and or fan if you liked it

Waffle tarts my fat cat layed on me whateva she keeping me warm so no complaining.


No but i wish

~ ash

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