Okay back to the story

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Anyways so there might be switching between leo and roslynn in this chapta just saying but now on to the story yay"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

""""roslynn's""""""""" P.O.V"""""

I was brought into a room where i then stood against the door terified(sp?) untill the man said there was no reason to hurt me so i calmed alittle then i saw a dog i think but it had'face paling'............. 6 FLIPPIN TAILS WTH 'fainting'


I surprized myself when i asked kota"ummmm.........master should i take her to the hospital"

'she jump from where she fell at the mention of the hospital' weird

"no i think she fine"kota stated looking at me with his emotionless eyes

"okay"i gave in i think i might like a 40 year old more than i should which is disturbing because

1)im 14


Uggggh i hate my life right now

"""""""""1 week later"""""""""""

"""""talking inbetween leo and roslynn"""""

"So do you like it here?"leo asked being nice

".......yea alittle bit but i keep geting lost."'and i have no clue why but i think youre kind of cute'. she said the last part to herself being the awsomely awsome quite person she is.(if you dont remember leo loves the quite)

They looked into eachothers eyes then bam! When they were very close Kota brust through the door being all loud like and yelled at them.


"um master where are you taking me"

"nowhere my servent"

"but what about-"

"do NOT say her name i might not want to kill you then"


Your all probly like wth but there is reason but you can message me if your confused


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