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Ok so leo desided to NOT stab me with a pen so thats a plus and i got a lot of candy so im happy. Now onto the story


After i draged leo out of that room and away from that damn girl i went to my office only so someone can come in a be like

"yo lord kota ya brat excaped"


"yo it was leo dude"


"yo im not a tracker so do it yo self"

".....DIE MAGOT ........."random dude falls clearly dead


I thought i excaped. dead wrong. I was about to leave the island when of coarse roslynn walks by and asked me what i was doing when i told her she was shocked then asked if she could come with me so i said yes and off we went. then we were stoped by gaurds which i just said we were going for a walk. it worked untill news of me running away got out and we were chasedarond the island witch is huge. when i say huge i mean the size of texas. just remember we all have some sort of magic my magic happened to and to me stregh and speed so i carried roslynn because shes a tracker not a runner.New information yay.then we ran into Kota when i say "ran into him" i mean physically ran into him.yea i didnt excape



ok so what do you think should i continue my story or srape it


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2012 ⏰

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