Who the Hell is Bucky?

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Steve had his head buried in his textbook, trying, and failing, to figure out what the hell an anti-derivative was. He had never been one for math, and it was pissing him off that he had to take a math class in the first place. He didn't know what he was even doing, and he definitely didn't know what that weird squiggly line in front of the equation was. 

"That's an integral," Nat said, pointing at the paper. 

"Oh, thanks," Steve huffed, rubbing at his eyes. 

"So..." Nat started. 

"Hey, what's up? I got food. We're allowed to eat in the library, right?" Tony asked as he walked in, arms full of bags from the Chinese place down the street from campus. 

"Yeah, we can eat in here," Steve said, yawning. 

"I hope I'm not late for this Steve-doesn't-know-math meeting," Pepper called from the other side of the room, Sam in tow. 

"Nope, not late. We're still waiting for some more..." Steve started. 

"Ha! If it isn't my friend, Steven!" a tall man with shoulder-length blonde hair boomed as he entered through the nearest door. Steve shook his head. 

"Please, Thor, call me Steve, Steven is...cringy," Steve sighed. 

"I say we start calling him his middle name," said a small, lithe, dark-haired person at Thor's side. 

"Who are you?" Tony asked as the two people dropped into chairs around the table. 

"I'm Thor. This is my bro...sis...sibling. Loki," Thor said, gesturing at Loki. 

"Gender fluid. Sexually fluid. Just stick with my name and you'll be fine. My goal is to confuse as many people as possible," Loki explained with a laugh. Steve rolled his eyes. 

"I'm here! I don't see why you bothered inviting anyone else, I'm literally a mathematics and physics major, I can help you with this..." Steve's other friend, Bruce, said as he walked into the room. He dropped his shoulder bag on the table, and loose-leaf paper full of mathematical proofs spilled out and across the wooden surface. 

"Because nothing you ever say actually makes sense to stupid people like me," Steve said. 

"You're not stupid," Pepper chided. 

"Yes, he is," Nat huffed. 

"Okay, not the time to argue about this. I just need help..." Steve started. He trailed off as he looked up to the door, two other people entering. Steve had expected to see some of his other friends, maybe T'challa and his younger sister, or even Peggy. He had been trying to work things out with her, but she was still upset with him over their last argument. 

What he hadn't expected was to see a woman with dark hair and a serious expression, dressed in a dark pantsuit, holding a file with the letters SHIELD across them. And he definitely hadn't imagined that if he was to ever see Maria Hill again, she definitely wouldn't be followed by a man with a deadly expression and an eyepatch. 

"Captain Rogers," the man said seriously. Steve could feel all of his friends staring at him. Steve seemed incapable of working his tongue. 

"Hey, Steve. It's been a long time," Hill said, "Too long." She handed him the file she had in her hand, and Steve took it numbly but didn't open it. 

"Uh, hi, this all seems cool, but who..." Tony started. 

"Are y'all serious?" Sam cried. "You come here for Steve, but not for me? Am I not cool enough?" Sam whined. 

"It's good to see you too, Sam," Hill said. Sam half-glared, half-smiled at her. He definitely didn't smile at Fury. 

Steve was still staring at the file in his hands. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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