The Name Game and Regression

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They made their way to the infirmary in silence, getting looks from healers who didn't know Silvia was awake.

" Here we are," Draco stopped in front of the glass window that looked into the large room, glancing down he could see Silvia smiling.

" Well are we going to go in or not?" She asked after a moment, spotting her twins incubators. Draco chuckled and led her to the door, opening it with his wand, and pushing her to their twins.

The twins were now almost to normal sizes only after three days and their eyes were currently open with curiosity.

" Can you see them alright?" Draco asked as he let her look back and forth between the two, unsure of what to say. She nodded.

" She's got my father's and Olivia's eyes and he has mine and Finley's," Silvia commented in a whisper. She was right, her daughter was born with the same unique brown/ green eyes from her sister and father while her son had her dark chocolate eyes.

" Yeah I was shocked to see them change, when they first opened their eyes yesterday they both had blue eyes," Draco placed his hand on her shoulder and they shared a laugh, both knowing how strong the blue eyed gene was in the Malfoy family.

" What do you want to name them? Or do you want to wait until we hold them to finalize on names?" She asked smiling when her newborns stared at her.

" I'd prefer now, I hate calling them by generic titles... I was thinking of naming them Athena and Apollo," he stated. Silvia looked up at him and gave him a look. " I-I thought they were nice names and would fit their personality's," Draco stuttered meeting her look.

" They are nice and I like them... What about Ivy Athena and Apollo Orion?" Silvia placed her hands on the sides of the incubators and traced her fingers by her twins heads. Draco leaned down and kissed her temple.

" I think those are both beautiful and strong names," he replied. Silvia smiled but it quickly feel, she removed her hands from the glass and placed them on her stomach and her head. " Silvia? Sil? What's happening?" He turned her toward him and kneeled by her.

" G-get L-Liv, ba-back to room," she was able to say before her eyes closed, taking her into an unconscious state. Draco's eyes widened, picking her up carefully from the wheelchair and running out of the room with her.

" Olivia!" He shouted urgently as he ran to Silvia's room.

" Wha- what!" Olivia ran into the room and immediately ran back out to get help. " Draco you have to leave so we can save her," she came back in with a team of healers and held the door open for him.

" No, I'm not leaving. She needs me," Draco tried to inch closer to the bed when he heard her groan but was pushed away from a healer trying to get to her head.

" Mr Malfoy it's protocol, you must leave," a different healer said simply. Draco didn't want to loose his temper if Silvia was the slightest bit conscious so he merely glared at them and walked out of the room in a hurried pace. He decided to go back to his children, who were both now crying from their sudden disappearance.

" It's okay, Daddy's back, shh your alright," he soothed them, pushing the wheelchair out of his way and against the wall before getting back to his twins, placing his hands in their usual spot on their incubators. They continued to cry, Draco knew after they had heard their mother's voice that they wanted her, it killed him to not be able to make them understand what was going on. So he did the only thing he could do, continue to soothe them until they fell back asleep.

Ivy made it to sleep first, Draco chuckled to himself, just like her mother, he thought and continued to calm Apollo until finally, ten minutes later, he drifted off to sleep.

" M-MMalfoy" Olivia came into the room, tears in her eyes and Draco ran to her.

" What the h- is going on with her? Tell me Olivia!" He exclaimed, taking her out of the room so they wouldn't wake the babies.

" She's-she's regressing... A lot..." She mumbled through her tears. Draco took one last look at her and ran for Silvia's room. He couldn't believe this, one moment she's fine, the next she was inches from death- or at least that's what he got from Olivia.

He got to the room and saw many enchantments placed back on his fiancé. She was back to her pale state and her heart rate was barely anything. The healers were watching from a distance, there backs pressed against the wall, staring with deep sorrow and disappointment.

" Sil, come on, you can't do this to me. Your a fighter, this is just another battle, please..." Draco sat on her bed, his forehead pressed against hers and their hands interlaced, trying to give her all his strength. She only took another slow breath and her hand twitched again. " Silvia love please, if you aren't going to fight for me, fight for the twins, for our future," he whispered, kissing her dry lips, hoping anything would wake her. He was however, disappointed. Silvia's breaths shortened and became paler.

He heard footsteps and gasping, Olivia must have contacted the Weasels again... Why can't I be alone with her? Draco asked himself as he looked up to see Finley and Olivia joining him on the opposite side of the bed. They both had tears in their eyes as they sat by their sister. But then Draco felt something, something no one had tried to do to him since he was training with his aunt.

Draco... I-I can't... Silvia's voice said in his head.

Just fight it, fight until it goes away. Do you even know what's happening? Draco asked through their mental link, done through advanced Legimency ( I can't spell, I know).

No, I can start to hear my mother's voice, she's calling me... Draco help... She replied, squeezing his hands and trying to take a deep breath, but failing and stuttering to breath.

Relax, I'm right here. Ignore her, as much as I hate saying that you must. This is your fight, I can only help by doing this. He told her, leaning down and kissing her again ignoring the replies from the people watching him, but this time he felt her kiss him back weakly.

I f-felt that... The voices are becoming weaker somehow... Draco looked up to see her heartbeat at a slow but steadying pace.

Good, just keep fighting... I love you too much to loose you. He broke the link to let her relax more and traced the side of her face, pushing her hair out of her eyes. " She's going to be fine, she just needs lots of rest and to be alone," he stood up and faced his audience. When they did nothing he rolled his eyes. " You guys can't take a hint, can you?" Draco asked, pointing to the doorway.

" Oh all right, we aren't leaving though. Come on, off to the waiting room," Mrs Weasley stood up and led the large redheaded family out of the room.

" You both should leave too," Draco looked down to where Olivia and Finley sat.

I'm sorry about earlier... I never should have lost my nerve. I understand that she got caught up in questions but I didn't realize she was wanting to talk to me too. Finley stood up as he signed. Draco nodded and they walked out a minute later.

Draco stayed with Silvia night and day, Olivia only came in occasionally to adjust her IV's and ask him random questions to make him feel better.

On the fourth night, an entire week since the twins arrived, Silvia showed her first signs of waking up. She was signing, they were random signs that didn't make much sense together but to Draco, they meant everything to him. He was told earlier that the enchantments on the twins wore off and that their incubators would be brought into the room the next morning, he could only hope that Silvia would wake up to see them. 


So there's that chapter ( sorry I know its short) but I sort of had to do a time skip somehow because of the twins growing and stuff so I added a bit of drama for you. Oh and I truly hope you like the twins names I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Follow, vote, and comment!

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