A Plan Failed

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Silvia knew several months had passed since Draco's little talk with her as her morning sickness passed and she started to show.

" Mummy how's the baby?" Ivy asked from her spot beside her. Silvia had told the twins they were going to be an older brother and sister and now she could tell they were scared but mostly excited.

" The baby's good, can you lightly itch my stomach for me?" She replied. When Veer's found out about the baby he bound Silvia's hands up above her head and against the wall to prevent her from being protective of it. Ivy giggled and nodded, reaching her hand to her mother's bump and doing as she said. Silvia sighed relaxing and laughing when her baby kicked. " Did you feel that?"

" Yeah, what did the baby say?" She asked. Silvia laughed again, and tried to pull her arms down but she couldn't.

" The baby says thank you Ivy, ooh keep your hand there," she commented as Ivy got to a sensitive spot, she did and looked up to her mother. " Apollo the baby's kicking if you want to feel," Silvia smiled at her son, who was sitting on the other side of the cell, looking at the wall sadly.

" When can we just go home?" He asked stubbornly. Silvia gave him a sad look.

" A few more days love, just a few more I know it," she told him.

" You said dat two days ago!" Apollo exclaimed, his hands turning to fists.

" Sweetheart your father won't give up until all four-five of us are safe at home. I know him, I promise Daddy and your aunt and uncles are looking for us as we speak," Silvia leaned her head back and looked up to her hands and her dirty rings, thinking. There was a pop sound in the room and Silvia stared at the empty space, to now see it not as empty as it was before.

" Willow! You brilliant elf who sent you?" Silvia whispered.

" Master Draco has, he asked me to find you to make sure your okay," she answered, trying to whisper in her high squeaky voice.

" Ok, tell him I'm fine and take the kids to him, they need to get out of here," Silvia meet eyes with her kids, Apollo walked to them.

" What about you Mistress Silvia? I can take you too!"

" Willow if I leave Veer's will come after us and kill me. Tell Draco that I love him and to keep the kids under his eye at all times, and to hurry up and find me. Tell him as much as possible Willow," Silvia informed her, leaning her head down and kissing Ivy's head. " Apollo," she motioned her head, telling him to walk up to her. " Keep yourself and your sister safe, I love you," Silvia kissed his forehead.

" Love you too, see you soon Mummy," he took Willows hand as Ivy did the same. Silvia nodded to her house elf and smiled, the three of them disapparated to safety seconds later. She sighed.

" Their going to be okay baby, everything will be fixed soon," Silvia spoke to herself and her unborn child. She guessed that she was around five months meaning it was mid spring outside and just passed Teddy's birthday.

The cell gate opened an hour later to reveal Veer's.

" V'here are vey?" He asked, letting his accent drawl on.

" They left, sneaky those little kids are," she told him.

" WHAT? You pathetic v'oman you v'id v'what?!" He responded, taking her elbow in his grip and squeezing it. Silvia screamed in pain, something she hadn't done in quite a while.

" I let them leave. Unlike someone who would've kept them until they died!" She spoke past her pain and screamed when his grip tightened.

" You don't deserve children, your lucky I've let you keep that one," Antonio kicked her side lightly and she winced. ( I'm not going to try typing the accent anymore lol, it drives me crazy with all the red underneath.) He turned and left without leaving her the next meal. She cried silently from hormones and sadness and pain.

Silvia Stone and the Lost Siblings [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now