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the next day taehyung returned to school marked up and hand in hand with the fuckboy of the school. "jungkook, people are starring." taehyung whispered. "well, i'm breaking every rule in the book so let them stare." jungkook whispered back. the two walked into their class still hand in hand. everyone's reaction was either ooouu or nooo jungkook!. the girls who asked jungkook to prom where the most heartbroken and wanted revenge. they stopped holding hands. taehyung went to his seat and jungkook got up on a desk. "alright, listen up! everyone who has ever hurt taehyung is not allowed to ever again or you'll speak to my fist, kapish?" jungkook wanted to make himself clear.

everyone nodded. yoongi clapped and hoseok laughed. "nice one jungkook!" yoongi yelled out. "shut up." jungkook said getting off the desk. "but isn't it a shame jungkook oppa will be leaving soon?" one of the girls on the cheerleading team spoke out. "jaehee shut your slut mouth up." hoseok's voice was cold. "uh rude!" jaehee scoffed. "it's not and if you ever say that again in front of my boyfriend i'll make sure it doesn't happen again." jungkook took his seat which was behind jaehee as he spoke. jaehee made a hmph noise. 

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