6 - Chips

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A day which most people despise, some more than others. In this case, Jungkook is the one despising today more than others. The first two weeks of school were bad enough, and Jungkook can already tell it only gets worse from here, on.

It seems as though whispers follow him everywhere around the school. He hopes they'll stop, but knows they probably won't. The first two periods had passed and recess had arrived, and for Jungkook that meant a break from the whispers.

Jungkook was hoping to hang out with Taehyung during recess, seeing as the other was the only boy from the entirety of the school that had spoken to him. He gets a bag of chips from the vending machine, looking around the cafeteria and spotting the brunette sitting at a table with five other boys.

Should he go over there? Will Taehyung ignore him? Will his friends tell him to go away? Jungkook settles for sitting at a table by himself, even though he wants to go over and talk to Taehyung. He opens his bag of chips, going to take one out as the bag is snatched away.

"Hey!" Jungkook looks up to see about 10 boys standing over him, one of them holding his bag of chips.
"A person like you shouldn't have the privilege of eating such delicious food," the boy with Jungkook's chips says, smirking devilishly. Jungkook stands up, seeing he's quite a bit smaller than the boys around him, but he doesn't care.

"Give me my chips," Jungkook says, trying his best to stay civil.
"No manners? Your words are as weak as you," the other boy says. Jungkook chuckles humourlessly.
"You use manners, then? 'Cause that makes you oh so strong?" The red-head says mockingly.

"Of course I use manners, everyone here does, except you obviously. It shows how small your muscles are," the other says, acting like he's the alpha in the situation. It surely looks like he is, but Jungkook knows who the real alpha is. Jungkook punches the boy with no hesitation and the other falls to the ground.

"Who cares about muscle size? Plus, my muscles? Small? I don't think so. And, I'll tell you now, my muscles aren't the only big things I have," Jungkook fires back, grabbing his bag of chips and walking out of the cafeteria, pushing past the rest of the boys.

He doesn't care about the whispers now, he only cares about finishing another dreadful school day. Jungkook walks around to the back of the school, sitting down behind some trees and bushes. He hears footsteps getting closer, but ignores them, instead eating his chips.

"J-Jungkook?" He hears a familiar voice whisper, the person sitting down next to him. He looks up, seeing Taehyung.
"Hi," he says, a little grumpy. He offers Taehyung a chip, which the other takes and eats.
"Are you okay? That guy didn't hurt you, did he?"

Jungkook's forces a small smile onto his face, making sure Taehyung knows it's fake.
"Well, physically I'm fine, but being spoken down to doesn't feel too great," he answers truthfully, looking down at the bag of chips in his hand.

Taehyung doesn't really know what to do, he's never had to comfort anyone for a situation like this. The two hear few pairs of footsteps approaching them. Jungkook looks up, recognising them as the boys that were sitting with Taehyung.
"Tae, there you-" one of them starts, catching sight of Jungkook and pausing.

"People do know homosexuality isn't contagious, right?" Jungkook speaks rhetorically, looking at Taehyung. The brunette nods, turning to face his friends.
"Jungkook is human too, he won't hurt you," the boy says, motioning for his friends to sit down with him and Jungkook. One of the boys wearing glasses shrugs, laying down on the ground, not seeming to care too much. The others sit down, a little further away than Taehyung, but it's something at least.

"You know, punching that boy doesn't help you very much," a boy with a deep-ish voice says. Jungkook is momentarily surprised that one of them spoke to him, but shrugs it off, not making eye contact.
"So what if it doesn't help me? As soon as I stepped foot in this joint, nothing's helped me. In fact, it's only made everything worse," Jungkook says, eating another chip.

"Well, if it's any consolation," another one says, "any friend of Tae's is our friend, too."
Hearing this, Jungkook looks up, mood suddenly rising.
"Friend? Really?" He says, a smile playing with his lips. They all nod. Jungkook is so happy, who knew there'd be people that would be willing to accept him, besides Taehyung of course.

"Oh yeah," the boy laying down starts, "nice punch."
"Thanks," Jungkook says sheepishly, eating the last of his chips and scrunching up the plastic packet.
"Okay, time for introductions!" One of them happily announces.
"I'll start. My name is Jung Hoseok and I like when people smile!" He says cheerfully.

"I'll go next, my name's Kim Seokjin, you can call me Jin for short, and I like cooking," the broad-shouldered boy with glasses states.
"My name's Kim Namjoon and I like crabs," the guy with the deep-ish voice says.
"My name is Park Jimin and I like to dance," the shortest male introduces.

Lastly, the boy who is slowly drifting off to sleep speaks up.
"My name's Min Yoongi and I like sleeping," he says, eyes closed behind his thick-rimmed glasses. Even though it's probably not needed, Taehyung has a turn.
"My name is Kim Taehyung and I like hugs," he says. Now it's Jungkook's turn. He smiles gently before speaking.
"My name is Jeon Jungkook and I like boys."

Enjoying? I hope you are :)
Stay healthy and happy 😁❤

Also, I'm going to start adding a question at the end of each chapter and would love it if you answered them - don't be a silent reader!

Your favourite BTS song/s?

Mine are probably UGH! And Silver Spoon.

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