9 - One Cup

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The young red-head is held up by Seungri, head spinning and limbs growing weaker. The two males reach the older's car. Seungri takes his keys out and unlocks the vehicle, opening the door for the younger.
"Are we going home?" Jungkook slurs, literally falling into the black car.

Seungri helps him sit up, hands getting awfully close to his crotch. Jungkook brushes the other's lingering hand off his thigh.
"Yes, we're going home, babyboy. Don't worry about it, I'm going to take care of you, okay-"
"Okay..." Jungkook mumbles.

"Hey! Who are you?" A voice speaks out of nowhere, making Jungkook think he's hearing things. When the older of the two turns around, the younger has a view of two other males, seemingly familiar. Seungri looks at the other two males, an annoyed expression displayed on his face.

"Why do you care?" He asks, tone lower in attempt to possibly intimidate the younger boys. Jungkook keeps observing from inside the car, sitting up to try and get a better look at the situation. Seungri gently pushes him back into the seat, telling him to stay where he is.

"That's our friend, we can take him home," the black-haired boy with glasses says, not being affected by the glare the oldest man there is giving off.
"I think he'll be fine with me," Seungri replies. The shortest's higher-pitched voice speaks up then, "how about we let Jungkook decide?"
The red-head's ears perk up at the mention of his name.

"Hm?" He mumbles, body feeling heavy.
"Do you want to go home with a stranger or come home with Yoongi and I?" The short male questions.
"Yoongi and you..." He mumbles, "stranger danger." He gets out of the car, only to be held back by his arm.
"Hey! Let me go," the young boy slurs, trying to escape the older man's grasp.

"I said, he'll be fine going home with me," Seungri says in a stern tone. Yoongi and Jimin weren't having it. Jimin takes his phone out, clicking on the emergency call icon, thumb then hovering over the dial button.
"Let him go or I'll call the police and get you arrested for attempted kidnapping," he threatens, showing the eldest the screen of his phone so he knows he's not playing games.

"You little fuckwit," Seungri mutters, pushing Jungkook over to the couple and making an escape. Yoongi catches Jungkook.
"Buddy, how much did you drink?" The glasses-wearing boy questions, struggling to keep the other standing up.
"One cup," Jungkook replies absent-mindedly, taking off Yoongi's glasses and putting them on himself, pretending to be some sort of nerdy scientist.

"C'mon, let's get him home. Jungkook, where do you live?" Jimin asks, hoping to get an answer that makes sense, unlike the blabber the red-head's speaking now. Thankfully, Jungkook gives them his address and they call a taxi. The trio hop into the yellow car when it arrives, the two darker-haired males helping Jungkook into the cab. The red-head sits in the middle backseat, fighting to stay awake.

"Jungkook, are you sure only had one drink?" Jimin asks, watching as the other tries not to fall asleep.
"One cup, no more," he reponds, as Yoongi takes his glasses back.
"One cup doesn't have this much affect," Yoongi says to the red-head, cleaning his glasses' lenses and popping them back on the bridge of his nose.

"No, one cup. I only had one cup," Jungkook repeats. He rests his head on Yoongi's shoulder, closing his eyes as he yawns.
"Night, night, love you," the boy mutters, drifting off. Jimin and Yoongi look at each other, then decide to take in the third's cuteness. They quietly coo, awing at how Jungkook looks.

The taxi arrives at Jungkook's house and Jimin pays the driver, him and his boyfriend helping the red-head out of the car. They had to wake said boy up so they wouldn't have to carry him. A half-conscious Jungkook stumbles to his front door with the help of the pair to keep him up straight.

Yoongi knocks on the front door, his arm going back to hold up Jungkook almost immediately after the last knock. The door swings open and the three boys are greeted by a worried looking Mrs. Jeon and a visibly aggravated Mr. Jeon.
"Jungkook, where have you been?" Mr. Jeon interrogates. Only after speaking does the man realise his son isn't sober.

He rolls his eyes, grabbing Jungkook from the two boys and thanking them for bringing his son home. Without saying another word to Jimin and Yoongi, Mr. Jeon shuts the door on them. Mrs. Jeon and her husband agree to talk to their son in the morning, seeing as it's quite late at the moment. The oldest male helps his son to his bedroom, receiving a bunch of nonsense coming from the red-head's mouth.

"And then the big man pushed me into the black car and Yoongles bear and Jiminie cricket told me he was stranger. I said "stranger danger" though. The big stranger man wouldn't let me go, so Jiminie cricket got his phone out, like a ninja would with those cool swords, and you know what he said next? He said "let Jungkook go or I'll call the police and you're gonna be arrested for attempted kidnapping"..." Jungkook keeps going.

His father grows a little concerned at this part of whatever story Jungkook is telling. He lays his son down on his bed and tucks him in.
"Goodnight, Jungkook," he says gruffly, sick and tired of his son getting drunk all the time. He shuts the door to Jungkook's bedroom on his way out, rubbing his eyes, exhausted not only from staying up late worrying about his only child, but from working all day, too.

The second Jungkook's head had hit his pillow, he had knocked out again. His mind had slipped into a dreamworld, a place where his fantasies come true. He breathes out little snores, almost smiling at how amazing his dream is... And who it's starring.

Like it? I do. Hope you're enjoying! Stay healthy and happy 😁❤😁❤

Funniest thing that's happened during class?

During fruit time in grade 1, my teacher said there's a teeny tiny percentage of radiation in a banana (true fact btw). And, this boy who was eating a banana at the time, looked at the fruit in his hand and, with all seriousness, said "I'm eating radiation?!"
You bet the entire class laughed. 😂

There's also been three or so incidents where two different students have fallen into rather the normal classroom bin or the recycle bin. 😂😂😂

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