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*Warning Smut if you don't like it just read the first two paragraphs and skip*

You and Matt landed on the ground hard, your heads collided and busted Matt's lip. Matt locked eyes with you, he was flustered and glowing red. You blushed. There was an awkward silence before you both burst out laughing. After a couple minutes the laughter died down, "Ugh.. so heavy" you smiled and pushed on Matt's chest. "Uh yeah I'm, sorry, (y/n)" Matt stood up and helped you out of the chair. He then blushed and ran out of the room. 'Omg, I can't believe I just made out with her! What do I do that was so embarrassing!'

"Hey, Matt?" You called him but he just ignored you, the tips of his ears glowing bright pink. You flushed again, realising what happened, picking up the chair you left the room. You went into your bedroom and buried your face in your pillow squealing. 'I just made out with Matt Miller! Aaahh! Omg and we fell off the chair! What was I thinking I practically threw myself at him! THAT was embarrassing!... But kinda hot...NOOOO! Control yourself, it's fine, this is what you always wanted. I just can't believe this is real!' You kicked your legs around and rolled about on your bed.

Matt's room~

Matt stood in front of the mirror in his room. He took in his appearance messed up hair, crooked tie, busted lip, flushed cheeks, 'Ah look at me' he looked down at himself and blushed again ' God what is wrong with me!' he pulled off his jacket, trousers and tie then grabbed a tissue from his bedside to dab his lip. Matt sat on the bed and glanced down, he went red, "ugh!" he flopped onto his back. "What do I do? What was I thinking? I'm so embarrassed."

Soon he fell asleep.

Later that night~

Matt's sleep was restless, he just couldn't calm down. He tossed and turned then sat up. He looked down and pouted. 'Stupid man thing!' He thought before hopping off the bed and grabbing some boxer shorts. He put the shorts on then decided to go and apologize to you. He walked out of his room and knocked on your bedroom door. "Hey, are you awake?" he asked hesitantly.

"Eep! Matt?" You jumped up from your bed in surprise. You were reading on your phone you were so embarrassed you just couldn't sleep. You got up and opened your door, coming face to face with Matt. You both blushed and you couldn't help but smile and giggle nervously. Matt looked at his feet. "Uhm, I just wanted to say that I am very sorry about what happened..." he looked back up to your face and your eyes locked and his voice trailed off. You looked at him face bright red you sank into his blue pools, feeling completely absorbed by them. That familiar pulling feeling came back but this time you didn't hesitate you pulled him into your room and kissed him. You pulled back breathing heavily. "I liked it..." was all you could manage to say your mind was racing and your pulse had skyrocketed this electricity flowing between the both of you was unbearable. You had to feel him, touch him. You hugged him, wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him close to you. Your noses touched and Matt gulped, "I...I did too" he went in for another kiss. Your lips connecting, sparks flying through your veins sending a shiver down your spine the kiss got more passionate. One of Matt's hands trailed up from your waist timidly and he groped your breast you moaned into the kiss giving Matt more confidence. He squeezed a bit harder and you gasped moaning again. Your moans went straight through him and his mind went hot with passion, all he could think of was claiming you. He needed you 'you're mine. mine. mine. mine.'  He thought pushing you backwards until you fell onto the bed. Gasping you adjusted your positions so Matt was lying comfortably between your legs. His manhood grinding against you. You both moaned at the contact. "Matt...Do you want to..." You asked embarrassed.

"Uh...Yes, are you okay with it?" he blushed swallowing hard. He's never done this before.

"Definitely" you blushed again. Matt leant down and started to kiss you again you moaned into the kiss. Matt slid his hand down from your breast to your panties and started to stroke you shyly he looked at you for reassurance you nodded and he went a little harder earning a whimper from you, urging him on. Matt then slipped your shorts off with your panties and slid one finger inside of you thrusting in and out, once you had gotten a little wet he put in another and started sucking on your clit. Your moans got louder as he thrust faster leaning up and kissing you. You felt your body tremble and ran your hands through his hair. Matt pulled out his fingers and took off your shirt groping your left breast and sucking on your right. "Mm, Matt" you moaned.

"Hm? what do you want Princess~?" Matt teased running his hands along your body making you shiver and whine tugging at the top of his shorts. "Come on use your words cutie"

"I want it~" You whined at Matt groping him through his shorts. Matt chuckled pulling them off. You lean over and open your bedside table pulling out a condom. Matt looks at you and you look at him. "What?" you asked. 

"You just have those lying around conveniently?" 

"Hm? Of course."

Matt didn't question it any further. You gave it to Matt and he put it down on the bed. He grabbed your chin "Don't you want to play with me a bit first kitten?" he whispered kissing you. you moan softly. He grins and sits on the bed gesturing you over. You crawl over to him grabbing his length and stroking it with your hands at first before taking him into your mouth. "Mm, good girl" Matt groans, his hands going to your head grabbing your hair and guiding you onto him. You moaned with him in your mouth sending vibrations through Matt. He groaned pulling your hair back, in turn, making you stop. Matt forces you down making out with you. Moaning at the feeling of him rubbing himself against you. You both pull away from the kiss and gaze into the eyes of each other, breathing irregularly. Matt kisses the tip of your nose smiling. "You're so adorable (y/n)" You blush smiling shyly. Matt leans over and grabs the condom opening it and putting it on. He looks at you and runs a hand through your hair before gently positioning himself at your entrance and slowly pushing himself in groaning at the new sensation of you wrapping around him tightly. You moan and grind your hips into him needily "Maat~ you're so deep" Matt gasps being sent over the edge by your words and you squeezing him so tightly. He chokes you, losing his mind and starts pounding into you hard and fast groaning. "mm you're such a good girl for me" he groans tightening his grip on your throat. You moan feeling close to climax already. The pressure building up inside of you from the pressure. Matt relentlessly thrusting side of you, his hand on your throat this domination felt amazing. Matt leaned down to your face, "You're mine. Aren't you baby girl? hmm? You're mine, my cute little fuck doll" his eyes penetrating yours, his voice stern and oh so hot. The tone making you flush and your heart race. Making you instantly achingly wet, squeezing him. "Mmm yes I'm yours" 

Matt exhales heavily. "Mmm, that's right." He nibbles your ear and sucks on your neck giving you hickeys. "M-matt I'm about to cum!" you gasp immediately finishing as you say it, thighs clamping onto Matt. Your body trembling with pleasure. Matt continues thrusting getting rougher and more inconsistent as he reaches his climax. Shoving himself deep into you pulling your hair and biting your neck to suppress his moan. He collapsed onto you. You both lay there panting and covered in sweat. Matt pulls out and takes off the condom tying it and dropping it into the bin beside your desk. you grab his hand and pout pulling him back into bed and cuddling into him. "That was amazing" Matt sighs holding you close and kissing your forehead. You blush and snuggle into him "Mm"

You both fall asleep~~

Matt miller x Reader 'Code to your heart'Where stories live. Discover now