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My feet pounds over the marble floor beneath, head filled with nothing but fury as I violently parade towards my room.

"Princess— Luna wait!"

Voices yell behind me, surely slowing my pace but it can never stop my steps.

Breathless huffs surround me as my steps become more violent.

"Luna, listen, he didn't say that the princess is you."

Taking a deep breath, I turn towards my cousin.

"And can you think of anymore princess in any of the kingdoms that have reached the courting age that he can— no, maybe he is referring to me?" I yell as he takes a step backward while lowering his eyes, now realizing the oblivious fact. "Or is it your or my sister, huh?"

Who are 8 and 9 years old, respectively?

"No, but I am sure our fathers can—"

"My father has given his word, Jin. Don't you know what that means?" My voice quivers with vulnerability, hands shake with fear.

Is father going to send me to him?

"I need to meet grandma, you can wait in my room."

With that, my feet take me to the only person who can give a genuine and the most selfless advice.

She has raised me since I was 1 month old. Never caring about herself, grandma has always supported me through thick and thins.

Eyes moist, but I rub the water away and slowly knock on the door.

"Come, Luna," And yes, it's either her instincts or her psychic powers that she always comes to know that it is me whenever I knock over her door.

Slowly, I enter inside the room as her wrinkled yet lively face comes in my view.

"I have told you, Luna. Never knock the door, just come straight in."

"But then the maids would have scolded me for not acting like a princess."

She lets out a small laugh that brings a small smile on my saddened face.

"And since when have you started getting bothered by them or their scoldings, my dearest one?"

But maybe from the look of my face, her expressions turn neutral.

"Come here, and tell me," Grandma patted the bed. "From the start to the very end. Don't leave even a single detail."

And from there, I start narrating the hall's scenes to her, dramatically. Not like they weren't in reality, but my acting makes it look like a big deal.

Her expressions soften as well as hardens during different situations, mostly hardening whenever I take his name. His deathly stare, his fearful demeanor, his soulless eyes, his neutral face that was twisted with mystery— grandma nodded at every detail like she can imagine the scene going in front of her.

Like she has experienced such a dreadful situation too.

"I don't know if you will believe or not—"

"You have been in such a situation too, am I right?"

With the look she sends me, I slowly slump my shoulder back.

"B— but, grandpa was so..."

"Caring and lovable? Yes, but a complete jerk in the start," She chuckles as mine surfaces too. "Yet he soon became the most caring and humble husband. And don't think I am suggesting you to marry that prince thinking that he will also transform like your grandfather, but I am telling you to take your decision carefully and with a full understanding of all the facts."

"That's the reason I am here, grandma. I can't talk to father and mother, father won't hear a thing while mother, she will remain silent all the time."

"Your mother can't do anything in this matter, Luna. Your father has already given the word and we all know how far he can go to keep his dignity," Her face scrunches up as she caresses my head. "All I can say is that think of your future as well as for the sake of our and dozen kingdoms whose people are suffering."

"And on the contrary, if Kim Taehyung killed his father to save his kingdom then think what his nature can turn into after some time. Don't only think of his negative or rather the jerk side like what I did," Grandma grins as my lips turn into a confused pout.

"But if you want to, then I can talk to your—"

"Please do! Please, please, please!"

"Alright, alright. But tell me one thing," She straightens her slightly crooked back as I raise my eyebrows. "Did you kick open the door from inside and dashed out like a hero in front of all the royal families?"

My smile flatters— now that she is mentioning that scene, it sure does look quite embarrassing even when I don't care.

"Eh, yes?"

The smile on her face widens more than triple times.

"That's my granddaughter."


"Okay, so what did she say?"

Just after entering my room, Jin's figure comes in my view. He is laying on my bed with his legs and arms both intertwined like he has been waiting for ages.

"Ah, nothing. Just this and that."

"That sure didn't happen. Wanna tell me yourself or should I go to her—"

"She said she will try talking to father, maybe a miracle happens," I shrug while throwing my corset over the chairs.

"That's what I was saying, there sure will be another way. Your father isn't going to just throw you out like that to an arrogant, maniac and a fuc—"

"Yeah, I got it," I send him a quick glare.

"...King selfish person."

"King selfish?"

"Well, that was unintentional but it suits that bastard right. Do you remember the way he was glaring at me? Man, I then and there could have torn his limbs—"

"Jin, it rather looks like you hate him more than me," Chuckling, I settle on the chair beside him.

"Don't you dare turn your hatred into liking, I am warning you."

I raise my hands in submission. "Of course, Prince Jin."

But little did I know the destiny was already planned and in a more twisted way.

But little did I know the destiny was already planned and in a more twisted way

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