Crowley, why?

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Inspired by a story on called The Cleverest Demon

Also, there is profanity in this chapter.

Voldemort was confused. Why had it not worked? He had made sure the circle was drawn correctly, that his minions- *ahem* loyal followers were standing in the correct spots, and that the ritual was properly translated. So HOW in the FLIPPITY FLAPPITY FUCK was the demon he had summoned simply lounging in HIS throne and criticising everyone's fashion sense?

Voldemort sighed and rubbed his sinuses. It was turning out to be one of those days, wasn't it? He stood up, intent on wrangling one piece of information from this useless  hellion.  Voldemort gathered his wits, took a breath, opened his mouth, and-

"'Aight, imma head out," the demon said, rising from the chair he sat in.

"You can't!" Voldemort exclaimed, panicked. "The Circle is supposed to keep you from acting up or going out of the room!"

"See, about that... Circles are good for summoning, not holding. You have summoned me, I have unsummoned me. Bye."

Voldemort screamed in frustration and proceeded to have a temper tantrum.


Mmeanwhile, Crowley appeared in Grimmauld place, much to the suspicion of Alastor Moody. He almost had a heart attack, in fact, and screamed like a little girl. This attracted the attention of the rest of the house, who all came rushing into the room, wands drawn. They all trained their wands on this stranger, who had somehow bypassed all their wards and was now eating fruit on the counters. Tge entire house was there, even Dumbledore.

Well, the entire house except for Harry Potter. He was trying to take a nap, so he came down the stairs a few seconds late. He groggily assessed the situation, and uttered one sentence.

"Crowley, what the fuck?"

All hell broke loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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