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"Mama?" The young boy called out from his bed, closing his hand and causing the soft glow to cease. His brother jumping up and down excitedly.

The queen smiled softly at her two sons, sitting down on the edge of one of the beds. The other brother leaped off of his bed and climbed to join them.

"Yes Roman?" She asked, brushing the hair out of the young prince's face, who giggled.

"Tell us a story!" He cheered, his brother, Remus, nodded eagerly.

The queen chuckled, pulling her long dark red hair into a messy ponytail before she pulled the two boys closer. Roman sat snuggled up against her side while Remus draped himself over her lap.

She gently combed her fingers through Remus' hair. "Okay, once upon a time-"

"NOOOOOO!" The twins groaned simultaneously.

The queen raised an eyebrow. "No?"

Remus huffed, sitting up. "You're gonna tell us some stupid story that everyone tells their kids! Make one up for us!" Roman nodded in agreement.

She laughed and nodded, letting Remus snuggle back in her lap. "Well then let me think of one just for you two."

"This is the story of a prince, who lived in a large castle. He dreamed of being like others but... he was different." She glanced at Roman, who had a large grin on his face as he let the faint red glow come from his fingertips. "Because he could do things no one else could. And that frightened people."

"One day he met an..." She closed her eyes, thinking for a moment. "Angel. Who wasn't very happy either. So they ran away together. To try and find a better life." Both brothers were staring at the queen in anticipation.

"They faced many dangers, from a witch and a snake to..." She let out a small sigh, glancing at Remus for a moment. "A creature of the sea. And the prince befriended every one of them."

Remus let out a small 'boring', causing the queen to laugh softly.

"Until they met a boy, who would hide away. He was mad, and angry, and tried to hurt the prince." Both brothers perked up. "But he was also alone, and scared, and didn't want to leave.
Because he too, was different."

Roman glanced down at his hands, eagerly waiting. "So the prince took his hand, and showed him it was okay. And the boy followed along, nervously." She closed her eyes again, focusing. "The two grew closer, and slowly." The queen smirked, eyeing Roman.

"They fell in love."

Both brothers let out a gasp, turning their full attention to their mother.

"Boys can like other boys!?" Remus practically yelled.

The queen nodded, and both boys beamed. "Now I think it's time for bed. Wouldn't want to wake up your father now would you."

They both quickly scrambled to their own beds, hiding under the covers and forcefully closing their eyes. The queen laughed, standing up and placing a kiss on each of the young prince's forehead, blowing out the candle and softly shutting the door behind her as she left.

A younger maid stood idly by the bedroom door, looking up at the queen.

"Your majesty-"

"Please, Maria is fine."

The maid nodded, quickly brushing the hair out of her face and fidgeting anxiously with her fingers. "You used your future vision... didn't you?"

Maria's face remained blank, staring at the shadows dancing along the stone walls due to the lit candles.

"You know what the king would say-"

"What my husband doesn't know won't hurt him." The queen spat, making her way down the hall, the maid following close behind.

"But the young prince... he's got abilities too." The maid said.

Maria sighed, turning to her personal maid. "Cadence?"

"Yes your majesty?" She immediately straightened up.

"I won't be here for long, I will die in four years. I need you to protect the boys with your life, especially Roman. Don't let my husband know or else he'll kill him. You have experience with magic, your younger brother was like Roman. Just... protect them as much as you can."

Cadence stood frozen, processing her words in a panic. She slowly nodded.

The queen sighed, smiling. "Thank you, Cadence. They will need all the support they can get for the upcoming years."

The maid nodded, bowing as the queen made her way to her room. She glanced back at Cadence. "They've got quite the adventure in their future..." Before shutting the chamber door.

Cadence swiftly turned around, going downstairs to the servants quarters. She sat on her bed, biting her lip anxiously and staring out the window in anticipation. After a minute or two of only silence, the only sound being the soft snores of other workers.

"Now we wait..."

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