chapter 8

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Sasuke glared at the man who stood in front of him as he held Hinata tightly. The man with bluish-white hair put his hands up in a defensive position slowly. "I am Toneri Ōtsutsuki I come in pe- "I don't give a damn who you are what the fuck are you doing here?" Karin spat and pointed at him from her bossy stance behind Sasuke while Jugo and Suigetsu approached quickly to have Sasuke's back. "I am here for Hinata Hyuga. I have finally returned for you, please come with me my Byakugan princess." "I don't know who the fuck you think you are prancing in here like some god but you have one hell of a death wish by messing with her." Suigetsu grinned as he swung his sword around and pointed it at him. "I don't really need a reason to chop you up but the Hyuga will do as an excuse." Toneri narrowed his eyes. "I remember you... I thank you for selling me the Byakugan. I must say it is rather interesting to see a group such a you, the last Uchiha... the last Uzumaki... the last known Hozuki and now thanks to you monsters the last of the Hyuga what a team... and of course there is the tall fellow, he is also one of a kind. I too am last of my clan. I have no interest in fighting any of you. I come in peace and I only come for my bride I ask once more... Hinata Hyuga please come with me." Hinata looked at the man before glancing up at Sasuke then back at the Ōtsutsuki. "Why should I?" "I am your husband we were distant to be together. I was sadden at the news of your clan and I apologize it took me so long to come for you but I am here now... I am here to save you from this monster. Come now." "Save?" She questioned in confusion but Toneri just smiled. "I've had enough of this shit!" Suigetsu charged at him and swung his Kubikiribōchō at him but Toneri turned out to be a meir clone. "I will come for you..." it said before disappointing in a poof.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and squeezed Hinata tightly before letting her go. "That cowardly bastard..." Suigetsu muttered. "Karin find him..." the Uchiha said glaring in her direction making her fiddle with her glasses and nod. "Jugo use your birds to scout the area. I want him found and I want him alive..." he stated before swiftly walking back to the camp and Suigetsu followed while Hinata stared at the spot that Toneri disappeared from. Karin searched for the strong chakra while Jugo used his birds to look for him but neither could find a trace. "It's like he just disappeared..." the Uzumaki said with a huff. "I can't find any sign of him either..." Jugo sighed. Sasuke closed his eyes and took a breath but said nothing. Hinata finally went back to her tent after a few minutes and took off her shirt due to the slightly discomfort almost painful feeling and that's when she saw the bruise from were Sasuke held her at. She gave a sigh before she glanced to see Sasuke at her tent entrance making her blush and grab her shirt but he grabbed her wrist. "Sorry." "You didn't mean it..." she claimed. "Still... I am sorry." He stated in a serious tone. "I know." He let her go and walked away before Karin walked in to heal him. "That bruise goes deep... he had a really tight hold on you." She commented and looked at the Hyuga when she didn't reply. Karin glanced away. "He was just being protective and I think honestly alittle scared he was going to lose if he wants to admit it or not... Toneri had some stupid crazy strength he's not from here obviously." She stated but Hinata still didn't say anything making Karin sigh and leave her be to continuing searching for the Ōtsutsuki. 

Sasuke sat on a large rock staring off at the distance while Suigetsu stood next to him. "Guess we aren't going to Iwagakure tomorrow." "This Ōtsutsuki is a threat I read about his clan in a scroll I decoded. He is powerful and if he is after Hinata..." "I get it... gotta protect your woman." He smirked. "Iwagakure can wait... I honestly wanna slice up this bastard..." Sasuke had no reply knowing Suigetsu didn't necessary care that this Toneri was after Hinata he just wanted to kill something. The days ticked by as they continued to search for the Ōtsutsuki during this time Sasuke was rather distant from Hinata, he didn't stare at her nor speak to her and the Hyuga noticed but was unsure how to approach him if she should approach him at all. Suigetsu continued to train the Guntai wanting to keep busy whole Karin and Jugo dedicated themselves to finding Toneri. Karin perked up when she finally felt a strong chakra and quickly informed the Uchiha. "I can feel it." "He's a good distance out side the Mountains' Graveyard, just in Otogakure." Jugo added. "Stay here with Hinata..." he ordered and began to walk off. "Alright alright time to slice the Ōtsutsuki!" Suigetsu said with a grin. "No... you stay here..." the Hozuki frown at his order. "Aw boo... you are no fun..." Sasuke left Hinata in the hands of his team while he went to deal with the Ōtsutsuki person.

He wasted no time and used Amenotejikara to approach the man quickly. Toneri gave a light smile. He pulled his blade and activated his Sharingan. Toneri put his hands up in a defensive position. "I do not wish to fight you Uchiha. I only  want what is mine. There is no need to fight over her." "You can have her over my dead body..." "If that is how it must be..." Toneri sighed. the two men clashed, Taijutsu verses Kenjutsu in a deadly match. "You have the Rinnegan... how interesting." Sasuke narrowed his eyes with intention to kill he quickly uses the second level of his cruse mark despite not needing to and made Toneri create a large amount of distance between him and the Uchiha. "This has been fun, you caused me to actually sweat but now I'm done stalling I have other places to be." Sasuke charged at him but he disappeared before he could reach him making Sasuke narrow his eyes and cruise himself. The Uchiha returned to his team but the sight before him made his wide, he glanced around to see his camp sight destroyed, hundreds to thousands of puppet parts scattered and his team defeated, laying about on the ground. It was obvious to him Hinata was gone making him grit his teeth in anger.

With the use of his projection and manifested green sphere through his projection Toneri easily captured Hinata while his strongest puppets deal with the others. A puppet brought the sleeping Hyuga to the Otogakure. He touched her face lightly and gave a smile. "Ah my Byakugan princess... I have you at last... we leave for the moon at once then we shall be married." He carried his sleeping birde to be to the passageway that would led him to the moon and the remainder of his puppets followed him. He left the earth and returned to the his castle like home, he gently placed Hinata in a bed and smiled at her sleeping face before going to prepare for their wedding.

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