chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Team taka traveled to Suna only to be greeted by a man with messy dark blonde hair and violet eyes. Suigetsu drew his sword but Karin stepped in front of him. "Don't even think about it... he's our alley! A really cute alley..." "What?!" The Hozuki questioned. "Sasuke... Karin... long time." The Suna nin greeted with  raise of his hand. "Hey Koji... you are looking good as always." He grinned at her. "I think you got hotter since the last I saw you." He said with a wink making the Uzumaki give a flirty look. "Koji..." Sasuke called making the Suna nin clear his throat. "Right... follow me." He lead the team through a secret passage way. Suigetsu glared as he followed. "Who is this guy?" Jugo glanced at his angry face and gave a light smile. "Sasuke spoke of him before we left. He is going to help us take over Sunagakure." The Hozuki frowned as he watched Karin flaunt over Koji and the Suna nin encouraged her. "You're looking a bit green..." the towering man commented. "Like hell I am! That crazy bitch can do whatever the fuck she wants..." Jugo gave a light chuckle while Sasuke glared at him to be quiet.

Hinata began a new routine with Tamaki and her cats. The cat lover stayed in the tower while Hinata when on her patrol and checking on the villagers but once done they would have a meal together and play with the cats. "I honestly can't believe you don't know how fair along you are..." Hinata commented. "Well I know I'm Twelve to sixteen weeks. I honestly haven't kept track and didn't know I was pregnant until the cats started acting weird and that's when I knew." Tamaki said as she touched her stomach. "You look about twenty weeks if you ask me... but all women are different. How did Jugo take it when you told him? You never told me." The Hyuga asked. "Well... I wasn't sure how'd he react but he was actually really happy and supportive of my choices. I think he'll be happier when it gets closer to time " She replied with a smile making Hinata smile. "That's great... if you ever want to see how the baby is doing I can use my Byakugan to check on him or her." "Really? That'd be pawsome!" They shared a small laugh at her bad pun. "So you and Sasuke think of kids?" The cat lovers question made her blush. "Um... well we haven't gotten that fair into our relationship yet..." "you usually find that stuff out before you start dating. Jugo and I neither wanted kids but both are happy about having one now." Tamaki commented which made Hinata begin to think of the future and the what ifs

Sunagakure was more of a challenge to take down but with the inside help of Koji taka had the upper hand. Blood mixed with the golden sand and Suna nin bodies scattered soon to be cover with a blanket of sand. The people of Suna was proud and strong but officially gave into taka. As the team did with Iwagakure they brain washed the villagers with Orochimaru's memory wiping machine and began to reteach them. Koji assisted when needed and Suigetsu keep an eye on him especially when he was around Karin. "Suigetsu you really shouldn't stare at them... it will only fuel things." Jugo commented. "Shut up! When I see those two together I can't help but wanna cut them apart! Just look at those two! I know damn well Karin isn't that fucken funny!" The Hozuki muttered making the taller man roll his eyes. "If I recall you use to say something like that about Karin and Sasuke when you would see her flirting with him like that..." "You would just go fu- what are you two standing about for? We have work to do." Sasuke cut him off making Suigetsu jump slightly. "Dammit all you should really wear a bell!" "Get back to work." The Uchiha ordered before the other men walked off leaving him to look at the sky. Knowing he could return to her until he was done.

Hinata was quiet for the rest of the day which made Tamaki grow alittle concerned. "I'm sorry if I said something that upset you... we have been together for almost a week now and I don't wanna cause problems." "Oh... no don't apologize. I've just been thinking. My relationship with Sasuke isn't a normal one and we started off in a odd place... we haven't talked about anything." She said with a sigh. "Everyone couple is different don't worry about sometimes couples don't talk things out sometimes they just kind of go with the flow. Sasuke is the strong silent type so I can see him not really talking about it." The cat lover said as she touched her shoulder. "Do you think you could check on the baby?" "Oh um... sure..." Hinata gave a nod and looked at the brunette's enlarged stomach. Tamaki bit her lip in excitement but grew nervous when she saw the Huyga's face give a look of surprised. "Tamaki..." "What? What is it?" "You are actually looking more into the fourteenth week and you won't be expecting one baby... you'll be expecting three..." The cat lover stood shocked at her words and allowed them to sink in. "Three... three... three... I'm have three? It's like a litter!" She hugged her new friend happily and Hinata smile back at her and hugged her back. "Congratulations! I can't wait for you to tell Jugo." "Me either! Three! Three! Three! It's amazing!" She sighed happily and rubbed her stomach as she took a seat.

Jugo keep an eye on the villagers casually as he feed his birds until Sasuke walked over to him scaring the birds off. "You are a distracted man." The taller man smiled. "I am not the only one... Hinata is on your mind. Suigetsu has his hands full with Karin and Koji but just as both of you I have good reasons... I know Tamaki is in good hands but I still worry. I never thought I'd find love or have a real family yet Tamaki is giving me all that..." Sasuke gave a nod but gave no reply. "Koji will be staying here to look after Suna while we move on to Kiri right?" Jugo asked making the Uchiha nod again before looking at Suigetsu. "Yeah, it's probably for the best." The taller man gave a nod in agreement "probably..."

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