Shadowed Memories

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My name is Fai Shukai I am sixteen years old living with my uncle who is on a buiseness trip for a year I currently go to a private college i have no siblings nor parents, my mother was murdered 3 years ago my father who was innocent went to jail for 50 years even though he wasnt responcible they had no evidence of his innosence and the court laid charges for murder I am going to a new school since we moved this is my story.

First Chapter Act one: Meeting "Friends"

I woke up in my room sitting up on the side of my bed, it was still raining outside and has been for the last two weeks I went to go look at the calender it was the thrid of April the begining of high school i had to get ready I changed into my uniform and grabbed my bag and left out the front door.

As i was walking down the road i saw a man wearing a black sweater with his hood up walking the oppisite side of the road from me i noticed he had a smirk on his face he aid something odd a sinister chill went down my back.

the man passing me whispers

Stranger: "Looks like i found you..."

I stopped and looked back he kept on walking down the road

Fai:: (i wonder what that was about was that to me?)

i turned around and kept walking to the school i still had 15 minutes left to get there i couldnt be late for my first class.

First Chapter Act 2: No Luck, is bad luck

 I arrive at the school feeling like crap as usaul there i nothing i liked about this school its always dark not to mention the teachers are assholes i walk up the steps and open the school doors 

everythings quiet i look at my watch 

Fai: "Shit! im late"

i start running like a fag to my locker and realize i forgot my pass for my combination i sigh in depression as i walk to the lunchroom (know the classrooms will be locked) and sit down at one of the tables the all of a sudden just to make my morning worse rick (the prick) comes in and sits across from me and glares.

i ask him,  Fai:"fuck you staring at?"

realizing this guy bigger than me that was the wrong answer... shit im screwed.

rick smirks and replies

Rick the dick i mean prick: "ya got balls man i was gonna rob the shit out of you but nevermind"

i answer back to him in a refreshed tone: "Really?!"

rick says: "Nope now im gonna rob you and kick your ass till your grandmother feels it in the 6th generation."

i realize life was short and i see ricks huge fist of death approach my face in slow motion as i smile stupidly and ricks fist squishes my face i fall to the floor hard and i didnt notice i was unconsious. man... schools bullshit... as i see blood landing on the floor

Chapter 1: Act 3,  Awaken

I wake up in a dark demesion "where am I"

I'm staring and a dark plain of ash the sky was firey red and orange I start to freak out but for some reason I was to calm to feel scared which was weird for me I turn around and I facing a large Demon

Fai: "who are you?"

Large demon: "I am your brother"

I start feeling bizarre and flames burn around me I start feeling stronger the demon in front of me claims to be my brother but.. something isn't right

Large demon: "Fai. I am sorry, but you see their are 7 brothers we have no father most would claim satan is but it is not. we get stronger with each brother we kill the order has sent me to kill you."

Fai: " why are you doing this then?"

Demon: "You are the first the most strongest but you have awaken for the first time, my name is xeko. the youngest"

Fai: "that would make me the oldest"

Xeko: "shut the fuck up, the reason i took you here. someone is after us. i give you this power you'll have to practice using it to master it... watch out for suspisous caracters you'll notice you'll become stronger the more you feed that sword."

All of a sudden a blue katana burns into my hand and the world fades from my eyes.

Chapter 2: act 1 Waking up

I am in a room my mother is holding on to me as we are staring at a man he wasn't my father he was wearing gloves now that i realize... nothing can change what happend to him he used fathers pen to stab him...  but the gloves he was wearing left the finger prints being to young to talk adults wouldn't listen to a kid who is 6 who cares what he would have to say. father is dead now so is mom.

I wake up cleavage in front of my face i must still be dreaming still no way this could be happening I am a conflicted child If i touch them the reaction will prove I'm right.

In a bad idea I grabbed them. wait.. this is weird. oh shi.. a women looks at me with black hair 

Women: "AHHHHH!! pervert!!! (the women goes to smacks me)"

Fai: "Oh wait! Sorry!" (nosebleeds. Then looks at the women)

A loud clap to the face echo's through the school...

I'm sitting in the office for sexual harassment fucking bullshit with a red swollen side on my face she was in my face.. I sigh man why do i have this bad luck maybe i let this happen to myself.. hmm...

all of a sudden a slap on the back of my head snaps me out of it.

A voice: "Fai what are you doing sexual harassment isn't you're thing".

my "friend" i say that loosely knowing i have no friends... his name was walker gerrold he was from my class usaully catches me when i do something bad this guy is never there for me he one of those guys that would watch  a guy get beat up and annouce it and get everyone to record it.

Fai: "yeah well your not that type of guy that would ever get a chick."

punches me in the back of the head this time guess i hit a nerve.

Walker: "what did you say you squid, like you'll ever get one know i just told everyone about your scene so your stuck like me now you faggot."


Fai: "just watch one day I'll put this school in it's place one day then you'll regret sayin that".

Walker: "well if that ever happens i'll hold you to that and start repairing your name until then stay out of trouble"

walker walks away laughing, what an asshole...

Chapter 2 act 2 The first contact

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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