Chapter 17: New Years

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{ Authors note: I put a piece of conversation that was with River in the last chapter and put it in this one so if it sounds familiar that's why baha. If you don't know what I'm talking about then just keep reading😊}

I was packing my stuff slowly, thinking about the recent conversation Leo and I had only a few days ago.

"You didn't deny that you feel the same way." He eyed me.

Why did I hesitate? I should've said something. Instead I just stood there like an idiot. Is it really that hard to say no?

I sighed, stuffing the last of the clothing on my bed into my bag.

I heard a knock on my door and I looked over at the person.

"Ready?" My mom asked, smiling over at me.

I licked my lips," I think so."

She walked over, zipping up my bag and turning over to hug me. I hugged her back tightly, feeling safe and warm.

She pulled away after a couple of seconds, handing me my bag.

"Have fun. But not too much fun." She raised her eyebrows. I laughed," Walk me to the door?"

She nodded. I turned around, walking down the stairs and towards the door.

"Wait!" I heard a little voice. I looked down, Eli running over towards me cutely. I leaned down, putting my cheek out. He leaned over, planting a kiss sweetly. I scrunched up my nose, patting his head.

"I'll see you later." I smiled.

My mom nodded and Eli held my hand expectantly. I let go, waving bye to him as I walked out. I closed the door, taking a deep breath and turning around towards a blue Jeep.

This is going to be a long trip.

Leo leaned next to the Jeep, looking over at me with crossed arms with a smirk plastered on his face. I walked over slowly, fidgeting with the strap of my bag. I approached the car and Leo grabbed the bag off my shoulder, walking over towards the door and placing it in the backseat before opening the door for me.

I gulped, climbing inside and sitting down. Leo shut the door, walking around and starting the car.

"Let's go." He raised his eyebrows towards me.

Let me catch you up. It's New Years Eve. On Christmas Day, I had my friends over...and they can be quite convincing.

Christmas Day
"I finally finished the dishes." Brad smiled over towards my mother, Leo and I walked inside the house after that intense conversation.

"I helped." Johnathan raised his hand innocently.

My mom smiled, "You boys should come around often. Anyone's who's a friend of Haley's is a friend of mine."

Brad smiled, "Actually, we wanted to ask you something since we're so trustworthy."

My mom raised her eyebrows.

"New Years Eve, we usually go out to the beach for our celebration. Don't worry there will be parental supervision." Johnathan smiled sweetly.

Lies. I already knew that last part was a lie. And I didn't even know about this trip?

"If there's parental supervision then that should be fine." My mom nodded.

Johnathan and Brad highfived each other. And Leo glanced over towards me.

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