Havoc on Earth

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Hey there! I am so so sorry for the late update. I know it is long due and this is quite a short chapter in comparison to what I should be writing down. I know there aren't any excuses for the same but I have my exams currently and have been drowning in practicals and main examinations for forever now. I promise to sit my arse down and write you a decent chapter as soon as I am done with these. 

On to the story now..

One month past

Cloaked in black, three figures silently glided down the pathway. In the dark and silent night, they stalked towards their next prey. Ginevra Weasley. It was an unusually quiet night. Even the nocturnals were absent.

They stepped onto the front porch of the very lavish house, which she shouldn't have been able to afford with all the money in her family vault running out and her lack of a well-paid job. The figure in the middle raised his eyebrow at the unlocked door. Cocky much?

Anyway, it just made their work easier. As they gracefully crossed the threshold of her house, they were suddenly hit by the odour of feminine perfume. Like lots of it. So much that it seemed that the entire house had been bathed in it. They started to search for the woman up and down. Finally one of them came across a room that was double lashed on the inside.

Looks like she hadn't heard of hiding in plain sight. Well. An Alohomora took care of it.  When he stepped in, he saw the woman sleeping quite soundly snug in her bed. He drew a dagger. It was horribly blunt. Eh. He would just sharpen it. He sat down on the floor with a shrug and started to sharpen it.

The constant rubbing woke Ginevra up. She shakily reached for her wand kept on the bedside instead of shouting. Smart. She fired a Stupefy at him only for it to bounce off. Petrificus Totalus and Crucio followed but bounced off him harmlessly.

Now even more jumpy and tuly intimidated, she asked, "W-who are you?" The figure stopped at once. He got up from his spot, turning around. As he stepped into moonlight, her already pale face, lost any colour that might have been left. Vicious emerald eyes met her own and she couldn't help but gulp audibly.

She felt her mouth go dry at the sight of the man who had died ten years ago. She had made sure of it. In fact, she had been there when he was cremated. How was this even possible? How could HE be alive? As his lips curled up into a chilling smirk, she shouted in horror,"Harry!"

That was the last word she ever uttered as the dagger made home in her stomach. The other two figures stepped out of the shadows. Both their faces adorned by matching mischievous smirks. And just like that, they turned on their heels and apparated away into the night leaving behind no clue of what happened there except for Ginevra herself.

The Daily Prophet


Ronald Weasley, the owner of Hogsmeade, found his sister Ginevra Molly Weasley in a pool of her own blood when he flooed over to her place this morning.

He, while still sniffling, explained that he had gone over to his younger sister's place to have breakfast with her as his wife, The Minster, was out for some work. When he had called for her and she hadn't responded, he had walked up to her room and came across her body lying lifelessly on the bed. The bedsheets had been soaked with her blood and her eyes were still wide open but unseeing.

The murder weapon wasn't found and there was no trace of someone else being in the house. So it was concluded that this must be Thunder's work. (More information about Thunder on page 3.)

In the past month, Thunder has taken nearly 10 lives. All of them were accomplices of the Dark Lord somehow or the other. The aurors haven't yet figured if Thunder is a single person or a group of them with hateful feelings towards the Dark Lord.  

-Rita Skeeter

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