Not Enough Patience

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Please read the note at the end.

It had been a week since they killed Granger and two days since they took Molly Weasley's life. It was oddly nice to see her mouth shut for once and for all.

Harry was sitting an armchair, lost in thought when Sirius approached him. "Harry?" He asked softly.Harry just turned to him and hugged him tight. "Siri" He murmured. His godfather stroked his back softly." What happened?"

"Are we right in what we are doing, Siri? I mean, we've killed so many people by now. Is it the right way to take revenge? Are we not going wrong somewhere?" Harry asked.

Sirius just ran his hand through his godson's hair. "I think we are not wrong, Harry. They have wronged you in so many ways, it's only fair that they suffer too. And then, they actually aren't suffering either. They all die so easily without any pain. Besides, Death would have come to warn you by now if we were going overboard. Think of yourself as just a reaper of the souls that Death would have taken sooner or later."

Harry nodded. Giving his godfather a smile, he stood up. "Thanks Siri. I don't know what had happened to me. I just don't want to become a ruthless monster." Sirius just smiled,"You are not a monster, nor will you ever be. Especially, since you are thinking about it so much."

They were interrupted by Remus calling for them. "What is it Moony?" Sirius asked. "I was saying that supper is ready and I want to talk to you both." Remus replied.

Both Harry and Sirius gave each other confused glances but sat down anyway. When Remus looked up from his plate and found them staring at him expectantly, he frowned. "Did you eat already?"

At identical nods, he groaned .Oh gods, these two will be the death of me. "So soon? I haven't even started yet." They shrugged. "You said you had to talk to us. That is sort of a sugar high for both Harry and I. Neither of us is hungry enough to eat." Harry nodded.

Remus groaned once again. He should have expected that answer. "But I want to eat. Let me finish, then I will tell you." He said and went back to eating.

A few minutes later, he was interrupted Sirius tapping his foot on the floor repeatedly and Harry burning holes in his head. "I swear, sometimes you both are worse than ADHD kids. Can't you be patient?"

"Sorry, Moony! Patience is not a virtue of mine. Same goes for Harry. Right?" He directed the last part to Harry, who once again nodded in sync with his godfather.

"Godsdammit. You guys are insufferable! " Remus sighed and gestured them to sit calmly and pushed his plate away. "So, I was thinking, what should our next step be? I mean we have already eliminated Ginevra, her mother and Granger. What now? Do we go after Ronald next? Or Vold - sorry, had forgotten about the taboo - Riddle himself?"

"Hmm. I say, we go directly after the no-nose git next." Sirius said. Harry just sat in silence. "What do we do indeed." He murmured softly as he sat back in his chair.

"No Harry, Padfoot is right to some extent. If we go straight for Riddle, we would avoid raising suspicion as to why are his accomplices being killed. He would be alert when we get to him as all his pawns would be dead." Remus said.

"This is Tom Riddle we are talking about, Uncle Moony. Yes, he is nowhere near as sane anymore. He used to be the brightest wizard Hogwarts had ever seen right after Dumbledore. But not any longer. He lost his sanity when he split his soul in seven. Also, one of the greatest advantages that we have now is that he has barely 0.78% of his soul left with him. So yes, he is weaker than he can ever be. But that is only possible if we eliminate all the other Death Eaters first.

From what I've heard they are quite loyal to their 'Dark Lord' and will do anything to protect him. And they have their souls." Harry said.

This had left the other two in complete silence, trying to make sense of what they'd heard. Harry is much more acquainted with Riddle's way of thinking than he would care to admit.

"What if we ask for help from others?" Sirius suggested. "I don't want anyone else to have blood on their hands, Siri" Harry replied. "Oh come on Harry! It's not a problem if they willingly do it. I bet more than have of the wizarding world will be ready to kill those, who destroyed them." Sirius insisted.

Harry stood still, having long since abandoned his seat on the chair. "Pleeeeeeeaase Harry....?" Sirius asked. "Yes please." Remus responded.

"You too, Uncle Moony?" Harry asked, flabbergasted. He couldn't believe it! The world was against him! And - ugh! How do both of them have such annoying puppy dog eyes! Sirius, he could understand with his animagus being a Grimm and all...... But Uncle Moony? Guess, a wolf was just as capable of making that expression as a dog.

"Okay." He said, reluctantly. The other two jumped in air in happiness.

Now I understand how the Marauders got away with everything they did so easily.

Okay. That's a wrap for today. Did you like this chapter? It was a rather simple one, wasn't it? By the way, did Harry's sudden guilt make any sense to you? I just felt like putting it in between.

Also, I think it wasn't clear before, so I am saying this again, this story will not have pairings. Harry doesn't have a mate. He will be a loner throughout the book. The reason being, Harry is an immortal. He will outlive all of them. I don't want heartbreak for him. So sorry!

Anyway, Happy Reading guys!


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