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To say Sirius was angry would be a huge understatement. He was livid. How dare that traitor drug Harry with a potion?

He struggled to keep his temper in check as the three of them strolled through the corridors of The Ministry. To hell with their plan of keeping the Aurors confused. He was going to make Granger regret ever crossing paths with either of them. She had incurred the wrath of a Black and was about to learn how horrendous of a mistake she had made.

Harry glanced at Sirius worriedly. He just hoped his godfather wouldn't go overboard with Granger's punishment. Not that he had any sympathy for the woman, he just didn't want Siri to lose his temper and sanity.

The three of them were cloaked and walked together, giving every wizard the creeps. They stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to The Minister's office. Harry sensed the detection spell before he felt it.

He immediately closed his eyes and called upon the power of Death, shrouding them from prying eyes. Despite the spell not sensing them, he kept a tight hold on the magic until the doors finally opened. The Minister's floor was just as vacant as they had thought.

Granger has turned very cocky with time, Harry noted dryly. Anyway, they got inside the door with Granger's name over it and were immediately met by a wand pointed at them. Harry more in particular.

This enraged Sirius more than anything. A single flick of his own wand and The Most Brilliant Witch had lost her wand. With a wand at her throat, it was for the first time in years that Hermione Granger-Weasley had so much as remotely considered that she might not get out of this alive.

Just before she could apparate on the spot, Harry caught her arm and twisted it too much for her to not be in pain. She visibly shook in pain and fear. "W-who are you?" She asked, trying to be impassive.

"So much for being the brightest witch of her age." Sirius said. "Thunder. Did you not think that we might come after you?" She was left gaping like a fish. Sirius tsked.

"Too full of ourselves, are we?" Hermione gulped. "Aww. Poor baby. Are you scared, my dear?" Sirius continued. "Don't worry. We'll make it fast and very less painful for you if you tell us why did you drug Harry on a potion in your first year itself?"

She looked at him in shock. "H- how do you kn- know?" She managed to stutter. Sirius just smirked before throwing his hood back. Granger turned paler than she already had.

She gulped and looked at the other two. Remus threw his hood back as well scaring her further. Harry still hadn't let her hand go when she stared at him pointedly, trying to get a reaction out of him.

"I asked you something, Granger!" Sirius said sharply, causing her to flinch. "I - I knew that Harry was smarter than he let on. I didn't want to let him have the spotlight. So, I brewed that potion. His disinterest in academics helped me a great deal in achieving the status of being the wisest."

"Being his friend, you should have encouraged him to research further rather than dosing him on a potion. You have insulted each and every 'friend' ever by doing what you did." Harry spoke, his grip tightening.

Hermione knew that voice all too well. Ever since his funeral, his voice had haunted her dreams. Mocking and berating her for what she did. How could she not recognise the voice that had once consoled her when her heart had been broken by her so-called husband? The voice that belonged to the most amazing friend anyone could have ever had.

"Harry?" She had asked tentatively. The said man shook his hood off too. Those vicious emerald green eyes met her own frightened and guilty ones. She couldn't hold his gaze.

And with that, The Minister of Magic fell on the floor, her eyes unfocused as a certain sword went through her.

The Minister of Magic dead!!
Aurors make a startling discovery!!

Yes, you read right, my dear readers! The Minister of Magic, Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley, was found murdered in the very same way as her sister-in-law, one Ginevra Molly Weasley with an exception to the the place where she lost her life.

This morning, at 10.00, Auror Shacklebolt had reported to The Minister's office to update her on certain confidential developments when he found her lying in a pool of her own blood on the floor. Her eyes wide open and unfocused.

Much similar to Miss. Weasley's case, the murder weapon was not found. Also, in addition to the usual facts that singled Thunder out as the murderer, The Minister's left hand was found badly twisted to the point that she almost broke a wrist bone or two.

The workers at The Ministry confirmed the presence of three rather strange wizards, all cloaked in black and seeming to have nothing to do with The Ministry. The Aurors discovered that it was those three who committed the crime and were finally branded the name, Thunder.

More information on Aurors' findings on page 4.

   -Rita Skeeter

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