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It was about two weeks after Draco and I started dating. I was walking to Transfiguration with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, when I heard a voice yell out, directed at us.


We all turned around to the source and saw it was Draco. Harry immediately started getting angry.

"What do you want, Malfoy? Is there some kind of universe where we can go at least twelve hours without fighting?"

"Not you, Potter. Her." He said, pointing at me.

"Me? Why?"

"Just come on." He reached over and grabbed my upper arm, and started storming off, dragging me with him. I turned to the trio and gave them a fake pleading look, but I already knew it wouldn't work. We were fake yelling at each other, me telling him to let me go, and him spitting insults at me. We had gotten to an empty classroom when we slowed down.

"And another thing. You are the most arrogant, selfish, pompous, egotistical jerk that I have eve- what took you so long?" I changed my demeanour as he shut the door, slightly annoyed that I had to wait longer for our private make-out session.

"I'm sorry, princess. Inquisitorial meeting ran over."

"Well, you're here now." I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He put his hands on my waist, and lightly pressed me against the wall. We were there for a while, just kissing, when I remembered something.

"Shit, I'm late for Transfiguration."

I left him in the classroom and ran down the corridor to McGonagall's classroom, and burst through the door. Luckily she wasn't there yet, in human or cat form, so I sat down in my usual seat next to Harry.

"What did Malfoy want?" He asked me.

"Oh, just asking about the Potions homework." I had to think on my feet. He nodded slightly as McGonagall came in. I went the whole hour sulking slightly, taking notes occasionally and feeling guilty.

"I'm sick of lying to them. It's driving me crazy."

"Are you sure that's not just me?"

We were sat in the Astronomy tower, chatting about today.

"What did you say when he asked you?"

"Potions homework."

"Oh I see."

"I just.. I don't know what to do. I feel awful, cause he's my brother and we tell each other everything. But I don't want them to hurt you."

"I get that."

"But I think that instead of you two hurting each other, I'm hurting everyone and myself."

"Look, whenever it is you wanna tell them, whether it's tomorrow, in a month, or ten years, I'll be there for you, ok. I promise." He brushed my cheeks, wiping away a few stray tears that I didn't even know were there. "Look at you. My beautiful princess."

I giggled at him, and he kissed my forehead. I took a deep breath. "Ok, tomorrow. Morning. I'll tell them."

"Ok." He smiled at me and pulled me into his lap, kissing my hair.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Draco Malfoy x OCWhere stories live. Discover now