🌊|Who are you again?

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Our Identities in Christ — 24/02/2020

Welcome to the first post everyone! Today we'll be talking about your, my or for inclusiveness sake, "our" identities. I hope you learn a thing or two. Don't forget to contribute or ask questions 😉😉

So without further ado, let me ask you this question.

"Who are you?"

I'm also asking myself this, "Who am I?"

Now, be honest, what comes to your mind as an immediate response to that question? If you're comfortable with it, share your automatic response as an inline comment here-------------------------------------

If you did, thanks for answering. God bless you! Now, let me give what would have been my own automatic answer.

I say, "would have been," because I now know better and I'm glad I do. It's time for you too to know better (that is, if you don't already know better)

A year ago, I probably would have replied, "I'm Mo and I'm a stressed out student who takes on way too much stuff."

I'm sure the same thing happens with many of us. Whenever we get asked this question, automatically we come up with answers along the lines of; "Oh, I'm a dentist." Or "I'm a surgeon." Or "I'm a father of five."

So, the point of the little illustration is to point out that most times, we never really recognise our faith as part of our identity.

This should not be so. Our faith should be at the forefront of our identity. It shouldn't be the last thing that people find out about you. Instead, it should be the first thing that people get to know.

Christianity is not just a religion and the address, Christian is not just a title. Christianity is a culture, it's a way of life, meaning that you should live and breathe Christ in all that you do. Ponder on that for a while.

Do you agree? Have you been treating your faith as a chore or have you truly embraced it?

Do you live out the Bible? Or is it just a book that is only opened on Sundays?

Ask yourself these questions and honestly answer it. You don't have to post the answer but if you want to, go ahead.

As a true believer, Christ should be your identity and you should know who you are in Christ. Amen? (Respond with an Amen in the comments section of you're following)

If you have realised these truths and have made amends then glory be to God for your life.

If you haven't, then it's not too late. You can still change your attitude towards your faith. Stop treating things of God like a chore. Do it with all the gladness of your heart and soon enough, it will become part and parcel of you.

Read your Bible regularly (daily). It is the key to knowing more of God. The Bible is one of the key pillars of the Christian faith. It is very very integral that every Christian have a copy. Not just the e-version but also the physical one-you-can-touch book.

Do you have a Bible? Yes? No? If you don't, you need it for many important reasons which are:

i) The Bible is the sword of every Christian. You use it to keep the devil away.

ii) It is a guide to life as a Christian.

iii) It helps you to know what God likes and the consequences of some certain actions.

iv) It is loaded with examples of  characters to emulate like Daniel, Joseph, Ruth etc.

v) Promises of God are in the Bible so when you want to ask him for something, you can back it up with the scriptures.

These are just a few benefits of having and reading the Holy Bible so I presume you've gotten the message. Now, what are you waiting for? Go get a copy! And fast!

Second, make sure that you pray as much as you can, no matter the place or time. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 17 that we should  "Pray without ceasing."

That means that we should never stop praying. So when you're in a bus; or when you're at school; or when you're at work; or even right now, as you're reading this, whisper a word of prayer, thanking God for this moment because not everyone is enjoying the same privilege of life that you do.

We have now come to the end of this post. I hope you've been blessed. If you have, leave an inline comment here ------------------

Now, it's time for YOU to ask questions. If you have any questions whatsoever, leave a comment here ----------------------------------------
Or PM me, whichever one you're most comfortable with.

Also, contributions are welcome. I'll create a corner on here posting your individual contributions for each topic as soon as they start rolling in.

Any suggestions? Let's hear it.

If you like, you may leave a vote and kindly share this if you think there's someone that needs to see it.

I'll try my best to post soon. But I won't post anything until I get feedback from you, my lovely brothers and sisters in Christ.

The whole point of a blog is the readers and the interactions so please let's make this interesting.

Comment this emoji here if you're still reading: 👼🏽👼🏽

God bless you abundantly
Have a wonderful week!

Love always❤️❤️

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