Out Of Control

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2 years later


YN-Where's the bitches and bottles!?

DJ-I ont know ma! I ont get down like that.

YN-I've been out of town for 4 days and you didn't throw a party?

DJ-*Smiles and shrugs*

YN-*Smile at him*

DJ-You ok mom?

YN-Yeah I'm great?

DJ-*Looks down* I got your back mom.

YN-I know you do *Kiss his cheek*

DJ-You want to come with me to dads house real quick?

YN-Umm no thanks *Bite your bottom lip*

DJ-That's fair. *Pulls a box out of his pocket* Here mom I got this for you.

YN-what's this sweetheart? *Take the box*

DJ-It's for you, open it.

YN-*Open the box and pull out the diamond ring* Its beautiful DJ I love it thank you sweetheart! *Hug him*

DJ-your welcome. I figured since you took your wedding ring off you still deserved some bling on your hand.

YN-Well aren't you perfect.

Diggy's P.O.V.

Angela-Hi. She said dryly.

Daniella-*Looks up* youu hungry?


Diggy-*Clears his throat* Did you sleep well?

Angela-No. My rides here by guys.

Diggy-Where are you going Angela?

Angela-To moms house. I miss DJ.

Daniella-Tell them I said hi.

Angela-Yeah whatever. Who sat moms ring on my bed?

Diggy-Me, you can have it sweetheart.

Angela-*Throws the ring at him* Yeah well I don't want it. Bye.


Angela-Be quiet you cheater.

Daniella-Angela he's still our dad.

Angela-No. He's still your dad. I want nothing to do with him.

Diggy-Angela relationships don't always have a fairy tale ending sweetheart.

Angela-I hate you. *slams the front door shut and leaves*

Daniella-*Hugs Diggy from behind* Its okay dad. She will come around.

Diggy-I miss your mom too I don't understand why she can't cut me a little slack.

Daniella-I don't know. But .. I'll race you to the basketball court .

Diggy-Oh you don't want it. He says flexing his arm muscles.

Daniella-*Takes off running with Diggy behind her*

YN's P.O.V.

YN-*Run and jump on Angela* HI BABY GIRL!

Angela-*Crying* HI MOMMY! She says holding you up.

YN-*Jump down* I missed you! You smile at her.

Angela-I missed you too girl. 1 month is 30 days too long.

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