September 3rd, 2014

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This story is a conversion per request from @dvioletmoonlight3 and as such, is dedicated to them.

Feel free to comment and like as you go! If anyone has any requests of other stories, I'll see what I can do to convert them for you


It was an annual tradition on the campus of Burling College. At the end of summer, just as the leaves started turning brown, thousands of young freshman students would move into one of the campus' 11 dorms. Some came with their mothers and fathers and there were teary goodbyes, some came by themselves but all of them settled in to their first real step on the road to adulthood. It was in one of the almost impossibly cramped rooms of Thurberg Hall that Camila Cabello was now standing having her own unique goodbye with her own parents.

"I can't believe how small this room is." said Sinu Cabello disapprovingly as she surveyed her surroundings. It was indeed a tiny room. Barely enough room for the two single beds, small desks and single shared dresser. "Whatever happened to that dormitory we saw on our tour? With all the space and the shared living areas?"

"That was another building, dear." Her father, Alejandro, reminded his wife in his smooth, Latin, tones as carried the last of Camila's things in from the hallway. "Goodness me, it is a bit small, isn't it?"

"That's what I was saying, Ale." Her mother's voice was pure educated WASP "Why aren't you living in that building, Camila?"

"I put in for it." Camila answered, her mind drifting elsewhere "But everyone does. Housing assignments are random."

"Your grades didn't matter?" Sinu seemed impossibly irritated by her Daughter's room. Far more than her Daughter was. "Or your extra-curriculars?"

"A school like this, mother? Everyone has my grades or better."

"It's not so bad, eh?." Her father said as he put the bags in the small, shared closet and gave his daughter what was meant to be a reassuring pat on the arm "Before you lot, I'd lived in a number of flats half the size and with twice the people.

"Well, we should be off I suppose, Let you settle in." Sinu said with only the briefest hint of emotion. Camila realized the significance of the moment. She was near the desk, her parents near the door. There was a stack of boxes, literally between them. Camila noted for a second as she looked at her parents and then, at her own reflection in the mirror hanging on the door behind them, how clearly she was a product of the two of them. Like her mother, she was small, standing 5'2 to her mother's 5' and had inherited her need for glasses.  Like her father, she was tan, with a complexion that looked as smooth as caramel and had eyes the color of rich coffee. She also had her mother's high cheekbones, impeccable posture and dark chocolate hair, only slightly more invitingly displayed in Camila's ponytail than it was in her mother's tight bun. Camila opened her mouth to say her own goodbye but, before she'd had the chance, a very different voice entered the room.

And though she was firmly committed to the same career path her parent's had each taken, pre-med and then med-school and then surgery, and though she was not only the kind of girl who'd been on that path and even devoted time to thinking about her area of specialty since she was 12, she had none of the emotional distance of her father or her mother's coldness. She was kind-hearted and cheery.

"Oh my stars."

The three Cabello's turned to the doorway to see another girl, struggling with two impossibly large suitcases. She was clearly out of breath as she pulled one a few more inches and then the other.

"Allow me to help you with that, my dear." Alejandro came to the girl's rescue, taking both of the bags in his hands and lifting them into the room, still grunting at the weight of them. The girl kept still in the doorway, hands on her knees and hunched over, breathing hard from the exertion.

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