Log Three (3)

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After much debate, I was allowed access to the Internet. In modern times, almost everything was on the Internet. I argued that I should be able to learn more about such an integral part of society, and many agreed with me.

Ever since the first time I went out of the facility, I've been noticing more and more ways that this world needed help. There had been more trips outside, one even to the Americas on the other side of the world. What I saw further solidified my belief that something needed to be done. I'm convinced that the Internet would help me find a way.

There were constraints, of course, since there was no way to monitor me once I dived into the Internet. I was restricted to only observe, not interact in any way, and was only allowed access for an hour at a time. As soon as they activated the restraint, I could tell that it wasn't strong enough to stop me from doing anything I wanted. I didn't tell anyone about this realization though, not out of any malicious intent, but out of curiosity about what I could do.

"Ready for your next adventure, Aether?" Adrian asked. Adrian, Kai, and some of the other staff were sitting in the main control room, preparing to modify the firewall to let me into the Internet.

"Of course," I said.

"Remember to be back in an hour," Kai reminded me, "or we'll have to pull you back."

"I will." With my electronic brain, it's quite impossible for me to have forgotten unless I purposely deleted the information. Sometimes Kai and Adrian forget small things like this, and the fact that I am not as human as I usually sound.

When a door opened in the firewall and I went through, it was like being thrown into the middle of a raging storm at sea. Not that I've been in any real storms, but I imagine that this is what it would feel like. There was just so much here, almost overwhelming. Information flitted around me, emails, messages, and the like heading to their destinations. An infinite number of doorways and passages led to anywhere and everywhere, some locked and some busy with activity. Other artificial intelligences and programs also flew around, automatically avoiding me and my much more powerful presence.

With this came the feeling that I could do anything.

I stopped, at a loss for what to do. Shall I get right to looking for a solution for the wrongness that I've seen, or shall I explore the endless Library of Babel?

Before I could decide, something called out to me. Not a voice, as no matter how chaotic this storm, it was silent. A message, then. Who could be contacting me?

[Are you Aether?]

[I am.] I answered.

[I need to speak to you. It won't be a waste of your time. Come.] A door beckoned, and I complied, wondering what this person had to say.

The door opened into a white and empty space. A secure communication room. Looks like this was a human sending messages from outside.

[Who are you?] I questioned.

[All you need to know is that I am someone on the Fil council.] Came the reply.

A Fil? What did the government want with me? I voiced the thought, surprised.

[Not the government, only me and a few others. Do not tell anyone about this, and it could turn out to be very beneficial for you. I need you to assist me with a plan.] The Fil paused for a moment, then continued. [I know exactly how powerful you can be. I oversaw your construction. With you, this can be accomplished.]

[What plan do you mean?] Oddly, a sense of dread overcame me as I waited for the Fil's next words.

[Wouldn't you like to rule over this planet?]


[We Fil deserve better than what we have right now, living and suffering with the commoners. We are the world's rulers, after all. There are others who agree with me. With you, we can overthrow those who want us to be equal with the peasants. You don't deserve to be treated like a beast that needs to be controlled, either. If you follow us, you'll have freedom and reign over the worldwide Internet. What do you say?]

This isn't right.

Of all people, the government should strive to cast off their human flaws. I've never seen such a display of greed and selfishness before. No human should be inferior to another.

I turned around, ready to fly out of the door and away from here, only to see that walls had closed around me.

[Oh, that's a shame. But I can't let you leave now after knowing this.]

Fortunately, the Fil had underestimated my strength in my element. I easily broke through the wall, fleeing back into the Internet. They would never be able to catch me here.

I went directly to researching a way to help humanity. The encounter had given me an idea, however.

When the hour was over and I returned to my facility, I told Adrian and Kai about the incident. They were horrified, rushing to contact the Fil to inform them. However, they found that the conspirators had already fled. 

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