you don't even have to do too much

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thank you so much for 1k reads! i'm so sorry that i've been so slow on updating but i have come up with a schedule now so expect regular updates every sunday!



"How's that code coming along?" Zak calls out to Darryl, who was rummaging through all of the compartments behind the glass-paned counter on the far wall in the bank.

"Uh... It's coming," Darryl responds, ignoring his shaking hands as he continues searching through the bank's drawers and their desks. "What about the key?"

"We might have to pick the lock again. I'm not finding anything."

Darryl sighs in frustration, returning to Zak's side. He could feel his pulse behind his forehead, a stress headache fighting through with all of the tension his mind has been under in the past twenty-four hours. Zak seems to notice, his eyes flicking up to meet Darryl's.

"You okay?" Zak asks, squinting slightly at his friend. He was fidgeting slightly with his fingers, uncomfortably trying not to touch anything nearby.

"I don't know," Darryl replies. "I don't know if I ever will be again after this. I'm scared, Zak. I'm no criminal."

"Me neither, but we're doing this to save my life, remember? Just stay behind me for now, I'm going to pick the lock so we can get into the back room."

Complying, Darryl ignores the dissatisfaction of leaving the code behind. He trusts Zak, nearly with everything he had, so he figures that it's best to just go along with what he says. Although he's annoyed he couldn't complete the simple task that Zak had assigned him, Darryl pushes it aside. Besides, he knows that their journey is just going to get worse from here on out.

The vault inside the back room looked like it was something out of a movie. With a large metal wall stretching from the ceiling to the floor, an electronic keypad on the side was the only thing that made the vault recognizable. Zak examines it for a second, his eyes scanning over the numbers, but he steps back with an angry look appearing in his eyes.

"No good. Without the code, there's no way we're getting in there," He says.

"Can't we just... Break in?" Darryl asks, almost surprised at his own words. The thought terrified him even more.

"I can't pick this lock, if that's what you mean. We could try to blast the door open, but there's no guarantee that'll work. Also, we'll probably get caught."

"How would we even do that?"

Zak responds by sticking a hand into the backpack strapped to his shoulders. "I slipped some extra things in here before we left. Just in case," He pulls out a small disk-shaped item, passing it gently between his hands. "This is one of those extra things."

"Is that a bomb?"

"Uh... Yeah, sorta. Do you want to use it?" Zak asks, his deep brown eyes piercing into Darryl's as he contemplates the outcome of the situation.

On one hand, it could get them the money that Zak needs. On the other, it would definitely alert the police and risk their chance of escape. Darryl didn't want to get caught, but he also didn't want Zak to be killed. And that was more important to him. Slowly nodding, Darryl swears he sees Zak's eyes squint into a grin as he attaches the small bomb to the area next to the keypad.

"Now listen to me for a second, Darryl. When I set off this bomb, it's going to be loud. You might not be able to hear anything; that's completely fine, though. This is the easy part, you don't even have to do too much. Once the door is open, we grab as much money as possible and get out through the back door," Zak gestures over his shoulder. "There might not be a lot inside, because banks usually don't keep a ton on the property, but there should hopefully be enough," He turns back to Darryl, handing him a large plastic bag from his pocket. "Put what you can grab in here, and I'll do the same with the backpack."

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