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You got out of bed deciding it was about time you left the house changing into your favorite outfit even taking the time to make sure you brought a delicious bunch of cookies that you could hardly resist you looked in the mirror in awe deciding to leave then before your outfit gets to ruined you wanted to put your all in if your going out you walked out the door it was late around 12 am you looked up at the stars and realized how beautiful the sky looked at night you looked back in front of you ready for your long walk to Henry's house which seemed a lot shorter than it actually was  before you knew it you were walking around to the window of your boyfriends house knowing his dad would kill him if he found out about what y'all did together I slowly snuck around the corner to the wall of his window I stuck my head to the side to make sure he was sleeping I couldn't tell it was to dark but I could see some movement I slid open the window as quietly as possible only to trip over the window seal I fell to my knees I bought my hair out of my face and was completely horrified to see what I saw in front of me henry luring in bed sweat covered with a mixture of lust and surprise in his expression then the thing most surprising to me a sweat covered panting Patrick with a teeth grin on his face a look of shock on my face as I let everything sink in I felt so many things confusion frustration emptiness I got up from my my knees to get up and walk out of his room only to hear him tumble out of bed tripping over the covers "y/n" he said in an attempt to keep me from leaving "I can explain" I had no words able to express how I felt I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me ignore the yells from Henry as a ran as fast as I could to my soft comfy bed

I'm going to be editing all of my imagines, so stay tuned! I wanted to add a switch to the story so yeah here's Patrick this is not going to effect any other story I just thought it would be funny LEAVE REQUESTSS

Perfectly Imperfect: Bowers Gang preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now