Katsuki tying to win your heart

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Now that you finally made up with Shoto and Katsuki they have been really close to you. They have been hanging out with you more than often.

Time skip

Have you noticed Kacchan and Todoroki have been acting weird lately. Midoriya said. Actually yeah. They have been acting really weird around me for some reason. You replied. Actually here comes Kacchan now. Midoriya said. You turned around to see Katsuki coming towards you. Hey y/n. Katsuki Greeted. Hey nerd. He said to Midoriya. Wanna come over to my place after school. He asked you. Ehh.. I'll have to think about it. You responded. He finally left. See Midoriya. You told him then let out a sigh. Sooo are you gonna go. Midoriya asked. Did you not here a word I said. I will have to think about it. you were annoyed but you kinda didn't care.

Time skip

It was the end of the day finnaly. You decide to go over to Katsuki's. You go and put all your stuff in your dorm and you change out of your uniform. Then you leave. When you get there you see Katsuki outside waiting on you. Hey y/n. Katsuki said. Hey Katsuki. You responded. You both went inside of his house. You and Katsuki went up to his room you sat on his bed while he picked a movie. He didnt tell you what movie he picked but you knew you never watched it. And it was scary. Those are the only movies Katsuki likes. He comes to sit next to you. During the movie your phone rang. It was Shoto.

Hey imma take this call. You left the room to take the call. Hey Shoto. You greeted. Hey l/n. Are you doing anything today. He asked. Well yeah today I'm hanging out with Katsuki. You told him you didn't know if  if was a good choice to tell him that. It's ok l/n. He said with a weird tone. Then he hung up. When you came back in Katsuki had the movie paused and he was waiting for you while he was on his phone. You sat back on the bed. Katsuki wrapped his arm around you and you rested your head on his shoulder.

It was the end of the movie and you were asleep. Apparently you stayed the night. When you woke up you had your head on Katsuki's lap. Katsuki was up and he was on his phone texting Shitty Hair, you could tell I ment kirishima. You were able to make out a few words. Win.....heart.....cause.....love.....
Is all you saw. You were curious on what he was talking about. You wouldn't think Katsuki was talking about love. Maybe making fun of Kirishima's love life? But why would the word Win be in there. You were to tired to think. Instead of thinking of it you greeted Katsuki. Morning Katsuki. You said greeting him. Hey but it's not morning dumbass. He said turning off his phone so you wont see the text. Then what time is it? You asked him confused. He showed you his phone. 2:43pm. How do you sleep thus long. You were asleep for 14 hours straight. He said kina impressed. You sat up and yawned, and looked for your phone. You found it under the pillow. 17 missed calls from Peppermint boi. 14 text messages from Peppermint boi. Why didnt you wake mr up when my phone rang. You asked Katsuki. I tried. He said. You got up and noticed your clothes weren't yours. Are these your clothes? You asked Katsuki. Yeah. Why? He responded. Wait. I dont remember changing last night. You looked at Katsuki. You son of a bit- you stopped yourself. Nevermind. You didn't want to cuss him out just yet. You wanted it to be for a better reason. You have any other clothes I could borrow. You asked. Katsuki went to get you one of his hoodies and a some sweat pants. You took a shower and Katsuki walked you back to your house. Did you want your hoodie back? You asked Katsuki before he left. It's fine you can keep it. He said and left

Oofies you got a hoodie.
Word count:715

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