Taken by Mace

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As my eyes opened and breathed in the fresh chilled air I realised noone was there just empty sleeping bags. Then Mace ran up to my face out of breath and looking troubled, some strands of his blond hair stuck to his glittering forehead, Maces angular jaw seemed to be screwed shut.

"You need to get out of here now"

"What about ..." I managed to stammer

"Ive alredy got them somewhere safe but you may not see them for a few weeks"

I was just baffled what the hell was Mace going on about. Why couldn't I see my family. 

"What the" and as soon as words had escaped my mouth the was a massive explosion like a car blowing up. At that moment Mace grabbed me.

"What ever happens dont let go of me you hear"

"But but"

"You can ask questions latter but now grab on"

A mad man ran up behind Mace he was covered in black from head to toe and with the same sort of tattoos as Mace but this man was big and bulky built like a tank even with the massive nose. He yelled out something I didn't hear but it seemed to really shake Mace.

I obeyed him grabbed ahold of him round his waist and berried my face in his chest and wait for what I didn't know.

Colours flew round and round the world began to spin and just a quickly as it has begun the ground crashing up towards us. I came down with a thud on top of Mace he didn't even flinch just got to his feet grabbed my hand and ran to a massive building that hadn't been there two seconds ago. 

It was beautiful like a Gothic chapple dark but stunning. Still being lead by Mace the door of the building came close dark wood with strange makings carved into it, at Maces touch the door heaved and the markings began move then a loud click. He lead me inside.

The inside was even more impressive than the outer white marble with big stone pillars huge staircases and all topped off with a massive crystal chandelier it was like being in a fancy old hotel.

As I was taking in the beauty a wave of sickness came over me all of a sudden my legs began to wobble, the white of the room stung my eyes, I felt my stomach churn and I thought I might through up.

As I turned to Mace but he was fuzzy I tried to make a sound but nothing came, even with all my efforts I couldn't move my arms to reach out to him. By pure luck Maces blurred body turned to me his glinting eyes caught mine. Seeing what was happening to me Mace lurched out to me but just wasn't in time. Then the whole world tipped and my face came into contact with the cold marble floor.

Mace joined me on the floor then scooped me up off the floor he began to run my head bobbing with his steps. What was the matter with me? I attempted to take a deep breath but no oxygen came I tried again but still nothing. My vision got worse now everything was a white blur. But still no breath only little meaningless gulps I felt my self slipping into blackness but Mace shook me and the harsh white light came flooding back.

Mace stopped and gently rest me onto a bed. Fluffy soft and warm blankets stroked my skin. Now I couldn't resist the welcoming black sleep.

Now I regretted not saying goodbye to my makeshift family and not telling them how I did really love them. A small sadness came over me for not knowing my mother. But now I would go to meet her if there was such a thing as heaven would she even recognise me.

And with that everything went black.

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